23. Real

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The three kids stood huddled up together hugging each other tightly and not letting go. The two girls sobbing and the boy trying to hold in his tears, but failing.

"Don't go," the elder girl begged and pleaded with a couple who were quite familiar.

"We have to, sweetie," the woman with curly brown hair sighed and kissed the girl's forehead.

The younger girl pleaded, "Why can't she come with us?"

The old man and the couple seemed as upset as the kids and sighed, not knowing how to explain the three kids their decision.

"I don't want to leave you," the younger girl mumbled into the older girl's shoulder.

"I don't either," the boy frowned.

The eldest child decided to be the mature one and wiped her tears away along with her siblings'.

"Don't worry, we'll be together again. It's not as if you'll never see me again," she smiled.

All three kids smiled at each other deciding that they will be seeing each other soon, and when they do they will go for a well-deserved ice-cream.

After some tear-filled goodbyes, the couple and the two younger children made their way to the awaiting vehicle and departed, to somewhere they hoped to return from.


I woke up with a jolt, a gasp escaping my parted lips. What the hell?

I was now sure that these things I saw weren't just 'dreams.' They were indeed memories, they were experiences. The couple indeed were my parents and those two children were myself and Cody. But who was the girl or that old man?

What had happened when I was four years old?

This was a question I couldn't answer and that frustrated me. What is going on?

I was then reminded of my strange surroundings and I realised I wasn't in my room. After two minutes, I remembered everything that happened last night.

From Christopher bandaging me up to him kissing me and the intense conversation in between. He was right, my memories were wiped out. There was a part of my childhood missing, a very important one.

I looked around and noticed only myself in the room. Maybe Christopher was in the shower?

Now that I am sure my dream is, in fact, a memory, I had to tell him. He was my only hope at finding out the truth. He could help me.

Truth to be told, I never liked the idea of being dependant on anyone. It made me feel as though I am at their disposal and vulnerable to them. But when being dependant on Christopher, I didn't mind being vulnerable to him. I trusted him with everything.

He could tell me to jump off a building tomorrow and I would just shrug and do it because I knew he knew what he was doing. I might sound stupid but, at least I was accepting the truth and my real feelings.

My train of thoughts ended when a shirtless Christopher entered the room with water droplets rolling down his torso and damp hair on his head.

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