13. Happy

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After arguing with Christopher and Alex for 30 minutes I finally convinced them to let me get out of bed and attend the 'mafia meeting' with them. The mafia we belong to here in Mexico is actually led by Alex. I was shocked, to say the least, it was started by Alex's father and then was passed on to his only heir, Alex.

After freshening up, changing out of a hospital gown to something presentable, I was ready to attend the meeting deciding our future plans. I had a bad feeling about things happening around here but you really cannot blame me, being wanted surely isn't rainbows and sunshine.

We made our way to the conference room which had an oval table in the middle of the room with people occupying all seats around it. There were around ten men in the room. Three seats were left open for us and we occupied our places. Alex no more looked like his giddy self, he had a hard expression just like Christopher.

I made eye contact with the guy sitting in front of me and my eyes widened to the size of saucers. "You?!" I shrieked at him.

He himself was bewildered but coyly covered it up with a disgusting smirk. "Hey," he casually greeted. We caught everyone's attention and now they were curiously looking our way.

"What the hell are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in prison?" I questioned him.

He merely shrugged while Christopher caught my attention by giving me a confused look. He looks as cute as a puppy. Shut up.

"You two know each other?" he confusedly voiced his question.

"Yeah, we do," somebody answered even before I could get a word out of my mouth. I shifted my gaze from Christopher to the guy sitting two seats away from the first douche.

I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose in annoyance, he was here too? "Are you kidding me?" I angrily muttered.

Both of the idiots who had broken into my house were sitting across from me on the table with smug looks.

"What the hell is going on? Mind informing the rest of us?" Alex asked.

"These two buttheads broke into my house the day you had dropped me at my place after we first met," I told Christopher.

"They tried to attack me but failed miserably and got beaten up," now it was my turn to smirk at them. I can feel how much their ego bruised because I said that in front of everyone ruining their reputation if they even had one, to begin with.

"You b-," the taller one stood up but Christopher's glare shut him up immediately.

"Why did you break into her house?" Alex asked the bluff men.

"To kill her....duh," the second one sassed.

One flick of Christopher's wrist had them both at gunpoint. "Why would you do that?" he snarled at them.

"Damien told us to kill the person sent to end him. He doesn't know it's her though," they blankly replied.

Alex's jaw dropped and he stood up from his seat, "You're working for that man?" he angrily asked them.

"I don't understand. You shouldn't be here anyway, my agency should've locked you up," I confusedly said out loud.

"Yeah, well The Organisation is corrupt now. They let us go cause they practically worship Damien Gray," the tall one smirked at my horrified expression. Nobody knew who I worked for and he practically announced it to everyone.

I abruptly stood up and gritted my teeth and clenched my fists in anger. The bastard revealed everything in front of people I don't even know. What really got to me was what he said about The Organisation, I knew they couldn't be trusted anymore but hearing it from someone who bought them with money hurt my self-respect. I worked for a corrupt agency, I don't even know how long they've been making us do wrong things in the name of the safety of our nation.

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