20. Hathaway Corporations

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"Take this and get ready," Valentina handed me a wig of short raven hair and a pair of glasses.

"Is this necessary?" Anne made a face of reluctance looking at the reddish-brown wig she was given.

"Unless you want someone to recognize us all, I suggest you make use of those things," Alex replied, annoyed with the tantrums these spoiled rich kids were throwing.

"Why do I have to wear this!? It's all black and covers my handsome face," Lucas groaned when he saw his outfit. Since he and Alex were to be on the roof keeping watch they had to be dressed like spies.

"Whenever I look at you, I am reminded that God really does have a sense of humour," I chuckled and continued, "If you'll have to hide there then do you expect us to provide you with colourful outfits, dim-witted boy," I spoke dryly.

Lucas just glared at me and then rolled his eyes. He really is stupid.

"I think that's enough," Alex gave me a warning glance. I just scoffed and proceeded to make my way to my room to get ready.


After nearly thirty minutes, all of us met in the lobby with everyone except Lucas and Alex dressed up in formals with our 'disguised features' on.

Valentina had a blonde wig which was enough to make her look completely different. Anna had her wig and contacts on and Lucas and Alex were in all black leather bodysuits, stashed with weapons. Christopher had to just wear blue contacts and nerdy glasses which made him look like a charming geek.

Christopher passed me two non-ferrous guns so that we can pass through security with our weapons. Valentina and Anna were supposed to create the distraction after we got the access key so that we can have enough time to hack and transfer all data files we need.

The most important instrument, the earpiece was passed along to everyone and thoroughly checked for malfunctions.

We were finally ready to go.


Christopher and I now stood in front of a tall building in Mexico City. It had 'Hathaway Corporations' written in big, bold letters at the very top with a globe like logo.

"Ready?" Christopher questioned. I just nodded, not really wanting to speak. "Shouldn't be that hard," he tried to give himself a pep talk, thinking nobody could hear him. He was proved wrong.

"You'll see. And if it isn't hard, let us know," Lucas spoke through the comms. I could picture him standing on the roof with a smug smirk on his face. Idiot.

"Are you incapable of keeping your trap shut?" Valentina hissed at him.

"I think this much fuss is uncharacteristic of you people and absolutely childish," Anne stopped an argument from starting.

Christopher sighed, "Focus, guys."

The two of us made our way into the building as if we owned it. We didn't stop at the front desk and nobody even stopped us because we acted as if we knew where we were going and what we're doing. In reality, we just faked confidence and did not bother to spare a glance to anyone.

As we got into the elevator and pressed the button for the top floor, I was wondering how easy it was to get in here if you have confidence and acting skills.

"Does anyone know who is the temporary CEO or incharge?" I muttered in the comms.

"I tried to do some research but no one outside the company knows," Christopher replied.

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