12. Wanted

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I open my eyes and immediately shut them back due to the harsh, bright light shining on me. I once again opened my eyes and blinked furiously to get used to the brightness. I notice I am in a room with grey walls and black furniture. I am currently lying on top of silk sheets of the bed with a white comforter draped over my body.

As soon as I try to sit up from my position I get familiar with the horrible pain in my abdomen. All memories of the club rush back to me and I immediately try to figure out where am I.

I hear the door creak and open for the head of a certain puppy-boy to peek in. He sees I am awake and a wide smile decorates his face. He fully opens the door and rushes to my side.

"How are you feeling? Does anything hurt? Do I need to get you any pain medication?" he rambles on.

I try to reply but my hoarse voice stops me from doing so. Alex notices this and gets me a glass of water from the bedside table. I greedily drink it and clear my throat.

"I am fine, don't worry," I smiled at him through the pain I was feeling.

"Are you sure you don't want pain medication?" he questions. I nod and tell him the pain will eventually subside and that I can handle it. He doesn't really feel convinced but reluctantly nods.

He remembers something and excitedly exclaims, "I am gonna call Chris, he is gonna be so relieved when he sees your awake!" Before I can object he sprints out the door and then I hear commotion in the hallway. He is a hyperactive kid.

In came running a frantic and stressed Christopher. As soon as he sees me he lets out a breath of relief. I got a good look at him and noticed how he had bags under his eyes, his usually well cut subtle had grown. All in all, he looked a man going mad due to the stress he's facing.

I am not afraid to admit, I kinda like him and care about him a lot. He too has proved my safety concerns him and that he cares. I might never say this out loud but I found a new family here in New York. I found people who worried about me.

Its been quite a few days I talked to my family back in D.C., I think the last time I called dad was on the day of the break-in. Well, in my defence I don't think I am ready to face them about mum yet, I know dad and Cody knew all along but never told me. They had a couple of slip-ups in the past but I never really paid any mind to it, but now I can piece it all together.

The Organisation cannot even be trusted anymore. I know their policies, anybody who leads an unsanctioned mission is severely punished and kicked out of The Organisation.

"Baby girl? Are you okay?" Christopher's concern filled voice snapped me out of my thoughts. 

"Yeah, I am okay. Don't worry, you're not getting rid of me that easily," I tried to joke to lighten the tense atmosphere. He chuckled that lovely sound. Bless my ears.

"I sent some people to your apartment to get your stuff and empty it out. I might not know who you work for but policies are the same for everyone," he informed me and smirked at my bewildered expression. This guy is smart. And hot, my subconscious added. Here we go...good job inner Ashley.

"I don't know if I should thank you or yell at you for moving my things without permission-" I pointedly told him and he shrugged. "- but I am gonna stick with thank you because you prevented them from getting to me. So, thank you."

He wore that smug grin on his face which portrayed all the cockiness he could muster up. Boys.....

Somebody knocked on the door and timidly entered. I guessed it was the doctor since he was wearing a white coat and had a clipboard in his hands. He looked almost frightened by Christopher's presence, I don't blame him though.

"Good morning, miss. I am Dr Harper, how are you feeling?" he smiled at me. I could feel the glare Christopher was throwing the doctor's way so I turned around and gave him 'the look'.

"I am feeling better, doctor. Thank you for asking," I politely replied. I might be an agent who has hurt a lot of people but I don't harm innocents.

"I am going to request you to rest because you are still weak due to the blood loss. Please avoid touching the wound and take your medicines on time. You'll be good to go before you know it," he instructed.

" I'll take care of her Dr Harper. You may leave," Christopher mutters. What is wrong with him?

Dr Harper turned around and was about to walk out of the door when I audibly said, "Thank you, doc". He turned around smiled and left.

"Ashley?" Christopher asked.

"Hmm," I replied.

"I think you should contact your family."

My head snapped his way so fast, I could've possibly gotten a whiplash. "What?" I questioned.

"Don't look at me like that, your phone is flooded with calls and texts from your father and brother. I'm guessing they're worried," he shrugged nonchalantly. 

"How do you know it's them texting?" I suspiciously questioned.

"It was the same two numbers calling so, I got them traced."

"Creep," I muttered.

"I heard that."

"You were meant to, genius."

After that, there was an awkward silence around us. Something clicked in my brain and I widened my eyes, where are my manners? The guy saved my life and I am insulting him.

"Christopher?" I called out. He looked my way and I just smiled and said, "Thank you for saving my life."

His eyes lit up and he chuckled, "It's not a problem, baby girl."

Now the question is where am I? "What is this place?" I curiously asked. His smile was wiped off and he looked at me, "It's just a hideout."

I raised my eyebrows at him and he sighed, "We're all wanted which is why we are hiding in a warehouse, it's a safe place."

I was shocked, I could not get out of this now even if I wanted to. The Organisation and the police are looking for me. I took notice of something.

"Where are we, Christopher?" I asked. He looked confused and replied, "I just told you-". He immediately understood my question and shut up.

"We are not in New York anymore, are we?"

He did not answer but I could tell he was wondering how I knew.

"The atmosphere is humid and not cold."

"We're in Mexico." he solemnly replied.

"Are you out of your mind? What are we doing here? Why are we in Mexico?" I questioned with a look of disbelief on my face.

"All of our allies are here. We are international criminals because apparently we 'killed' innocents to spread terror. They'll probably not arrest us here in since we are in contact with people here and are a part of the biggest mafia. Messing with the mafia gets really ugly here," he honestly answered.

Oh god, I am screwed. I am an internationally wanted criminal. This is not good. I am sure I have a horrified look on my face. An agent working for the government is now a wanted criminal?

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