10. Answers

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After getting ready for the day and dealing with my nerves, I waited while Christopher efficiently lied to Hailey about the incident in their house the previous day. Hailey wasn't really convinced at first but after I received a discrete signal from Christopher, I joined in on the lie and reassured her. I hated lying to her but it had to be done for her own safety. I am aware of how she'll be extremely upset when she discovers the truth.

Upon the ending of an eternally long conversation between the siblings, Christopher and I headed towards the famous 'Il Matteo'. There was a really thick tension in the air, the silence between us was no more peaceful but uncomfortable, deadly even if I say so myself. We entered the cafe and placed our order, collected it and occupied a booth in the left corner of the cafe.

As soon as we sat down, "I am going to ask you certain questions and you need to truthfully answer them," Christopher demanded. I didn't really have a choice so I just nodded.

"Who are you?" was the first question.

"I am Ashley, I thought you knew that," I sassed back.

"Are you really?"

I turned serious and replied, "Christopher I don't know what you think of me but I can assure you, my name is Ashley and I am not the bad guy here."

"Who are you? And why are you after me and my family?" he seriously questioned.

"I am not here to harm you or Hailey or even Alex. You have to trust me, I am not your enemy."

"Are you here for my father?" he questioned.

I did not know what to say, I did not think he'd notice that I didn't say I would not hurt his father.

"I can't tell you, I am sorry. I know, you are probably gonna hate me forever but I am not a criminal. I never wanted things to turn out like," he silenced me by putting his pointer finger on my lips.

"Yes or No, Ashley."

I sighed, there is no point lying he already knows, "Yes, but I have a reason behind it and you have to hear me out before you misunderstand things. Your father is not that good of a man you might think he is, I know you have no reason to believe me but I am not here to hurt any innocents. Your father is not a good man," I tried to convince him by blabbering.

"I know," he answered.

"He wants to spread fear by bombing- wait, what!?" Am I losing my mind or did he actually say that?

"I know he is not a good man but I need to know what are you here for," he solemnly replied.

I pursed my lips, " I am sorry, I can't tell you. It's classified information."

"Who do you work for, Ashley?"

"The people who want to keep innocents safe but will end your life if they find out you know about them."

"Okay, I get it. This conversation is going nowhere if you can't answer my questions then you are of no use to me. Goodbye, Ashley."

I don't know why but that hurt, a lot. Saying I am no use to him if I can't provide intel. I am doing this for the secrecy and privacy of The Organisation, my employers. I watched him leave the cafe and felt helpless. I lost the only friends I ever had, I will probably never see Hailey or Alexander ever again. I guess all good things really do come to an end.

I made my way to my lonely apartment and entered my room. I looked around the room, I couldn't believe how much had happened in such a short period of time. In this very room, a few hours ago a boy told me he would never leave and will be there for me. From that very guy, I received a Goodbye Ashley, fifteen minutes ago. How the tables have turned.

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