Sad Memories and Loud Laughter

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After everyone returned from lunch they all noticed how Lovino was sitting far away from Feliciano and Antonio, who were sharing a concerned expression, and how Arthur was staring at the book sadly while occasionally glancing at an oblivious Gilbert.

"Alright who's reading next?" Ludwig asked while holding up the book, Ivan was the first person to raise his hand.

"I will, da" He said while taking the book out of Ludwig's hand before opening it up. However when he saw the first entry his eyes widened in shock and they snapped up to glance at Gilbert before returning to the book as he hesitantly reads the entry.

Dear Diary,
The locals set me on fire again... But this time they tied me up so I could not move. My whole body is sore and my hair is shorter... after they realized I could not die from fire, they threw me into the water... I cannot swim... But I also cannot drown... I was just there struggling for hours... Until Vati came... He looked so angry... And called me stupid... All this is happening because of my eye colour... Why did God curse me? What had I done? - Prussia

Gilbert flinched violently at the entry as everyone stared at him sympathetically, which he chose to ignore. What he didn't ignore however was Roderich's hand squeezing his in comfort.

"Bruder why did you never say anything?" Ludwig asked worriedly causing Gilbert to give him a large fake smile.

"It doesn't matter any more West, the Awesome me has totally let it go" He said cheerfully, the obvious lie was acknowledged by everyone but no one chose to bring it up. Ivan bit his lip as he stared down at the next entry, his eyes briefly looked at Yao before once again returning to the book.

Dear Diary,
When I wished for Japan to grow up and be big and strong, I wasn't wishing for this... - China

Yao winced slightly and Kiku looked away guiltily. No one was willing to say anything to the two Asians. Ivan squeezed Yao's shoulder before looking at the next entry, he instantly winced at what he saw which Yao was quick to notice.

"Ivan what's wrong~Aru?" He asked which caused everyone to look at Ivan.

"This entry is mine" Ivan said shakily before reading the entry aloud.

Dear Diary,
Today I got lost outside in the woods. I tried to call out for somebody, but then I remembered there is no one. I was out there all alone; always alone. Will it be like this forever? - Russia

Ivan placed the book down on the table while ignoring everyone's sympathetic looks, they were probably all fake anyways. He glanced up when Yao placed his hand on his shoulder.

"Your not alone anymore Ivan" Yao whispered softly making a faint smile appear on the Russians face. While they were distracted Alfred grabbed the book and opened it up to the next entry. Only to bite his lip in an attempt not to burst out laughing, his efforts were fruitless because Matthew noticed instantly.

"What is it" He whispered only for Alfred to shake his head with an amused grin on his face before he read the entry aloud.

Dear Diary,
Why do people suck so much? - Romano

This caused everyone to start laughing except Lovino who was as red as a tomato.

"Libro bastard" He huffed while shrinking into his seat which only made everyone laugh more. Alfred glanced at the next entry and snickered to himself a little bit before reading the entry aloud.

Dear Diary,
Today we all played Monopoly together. It was really fun! But I think America and China took it a little to seriously. - Veneziano

This made everyone laugh, including Yao and Alfred. They laughed so hard it took a while for them to calm down, by the time everyone had calmed down Ludwig decide now was a good time to stop for the day.

As everyone was leaving Alfred couldn't help but to glance at the next entry. His eyes widened before they snapped to stare at the retreating figure of his favorite uncle. His surprised expression quickly morphed into a sad one. He closed the book before quickly leaving the room to catch up with his brother.

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