Mind Trap

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It only took them about ten seconds to snap out of there shock and book it down the hallways, they didn't stay grouped together because the building was to large and with how the shot had echoed there was no clear way to track it down so they had cover as much ground as they possibly could. 

Arthur and Francis were racing down one of the halls when Francis suddenly skidded to a halt when he heard faint sobbing, his head snapped in the direction and he realized it was coming from one of the washrooms. Arthur skidded to a halt as well and turned to face the Frenchman and gave a frustrated look.

"Francis what is it?" He asked impatiently only to stiffen when he picked up on the sobbing. The two of them shared a look before cautiously approaching the washroom. Arthur pushed the door open and their eyes instantly landed on Alfred. 

The American was kneeling on the ground shaking tremendously while he clutched onto the pistol in his hands, loud broken sobs were escaping him with the occasional apology slipping out. 

While Francis instantly went to Alfred's side and pulled the American into a hug while also taking the gun out of his hands, Arthur was glancing around the room. Just from a quick once over the Brit was able to tell that the American hadn't shot himself so what had he shot? He stiffened when he noticed the shattered mirror and there was a bullet embedded into the wall. He turned back towards Francis and saw that Alfred seemed completely oblivious to the Frenchman's presence which was clearly worrying Francis. 

Arthur kneeled down in front of Alfred and took his face into his hands and stared deeply into the American's eyes, it worried him greatly that Alfred didn't even respond to that. It seemed that Alfred was completely lost inside his own head. 

"Alfred can you hear me?" Arthur whispered softly but just as he expected the American didn't respond. 

"Arthur what's happening to him?" Francis asked worriedly and all Arthur could do was sigh sadly. 

"He's trapped inside of his own mind" He explained causing Francis to frown worriedly. 

"Can't you just enter his mind and pull him out?" He asked and Arthur just shook his head slowly. 

"If it was anyone else maybe, but despite him claiming that he doesn't believe in magic Alfred has incredibly strong mental blocks. If I were to try and break through them by force I could cause severe damage to his mind" Arthur explained sadly causing Francis to tighten his hold on Alfred. 

"There has to be something we can do, right?" Francis asked desperately causing Arthur to sigh as he reached over and grasped one of the Frenchman's hands. 

"We just have to wait for him to come out on his own" He said softly causing a few tears to slip down Francis' face and he held onto Alfred. Arthur stood up and walked away a bit so that he could send a message to the others that they found Alfred. 

"Arthur" Francis said softly causing the Brit to turn and face him, his eyes soften when he saw how lovingly the Frenchman was holding Alfred. 

"We should get him into a bed" He said softly and Arthur nodded in agreement before leaning down so that he could pick the American up, he frowned slightly when he felt just how light Alfred was. 

"Our room is the closest we can set him down there" Francis said as he stood up. Arthur nodded and the two of them slipped out of the room, though Arthur paused very briefly in the doorway because he could have sworn he heard a very soft American accented voice whisper, 

"Sorry Alfie" 

Arthur shook his head and chalked it up to him imagining things, besides Alfred was the only American here and he didn't have a New York accent. 


Ah don't you just love a good cliffhanger? Anyways I have decided to go ahead and do the side story with the ancients, it's called Ancient Viewing. I'm not sure how frequent the updates on that one will be but I hope you enjoy it none the less. 

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