Tension Grows

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Matthew and Francis sighed in frustration as they walked back into the meeting room, despite leaving not even a minute after Alfred they had not been able to tract down the American. And now lunch break was over and still no sign of Alfred, just as Ludwig was about to send someone after the American Alfred walked into the room and took his seat. Everyone couldn't help but notice how pale the man looked. 

"Do you mind if I read again Kiku?" He asked softly which startled quite a few people. Kiku blinked in surprise before handing Alfred the book. Alfred gave him a soft smile before he began to read, which snapped everyone back to reality. 

Dear Diary, 

I tried to get England to play with me again diary, I don't think he liked it much... Why doesn't he want to play with me? Did I do something wrong? - America

Arthur winced slightly but before he could say anything Alfred began to read again, it was completely obvious that he was trying to ignore Arthur. 

Dear Diary,

Today so many people ignored me. So I went out crying... But when I went to go cry alone... Arthur was there to help me not cry. It was the first time in ages since he's noticed me. I wish he could notice me from now on. - Canada

Arthur turned to give Matthew a smile only to notice that the Canadian was stubbornly looking away from him, he winced at this.

Dear Diary,

I can't believe Canada put up with me for a week after we went to see Paranormal Activity 3. He really is the best brother/teddy bear ever. - America

Alfred grinned wider at this before pulling Matthew into a tight hug which was quickly returned. 

"You really are the best brother ever" Alfred whispered causing a smile to appear on Matthews face. 

"Your a pretty awesome brother yourself Alfie" He said affectionately while hugging him even tighter. Due to the angel they were at no one noticed the faint frown that appeared on Alfred face, it almost looked like he didn't believe Matthew. 

While the brother were busy hugging Lovino managed to get his hands on the book, but instead of burning it like he had said he would he decided instead to just read it. He was going to wish that he had burned it after he read what the entry was.  

Dear Diary,

I kissed Germany today! I was so tired of waiting and I wanted to so badly. He kissed back and ran away. I wonder if I can find him, I can kiss him again... - Veneziano 

Lovino let out an inhuman shriek before he threw the book straight at Ludwig's head before he attempted to pounce at the man. Thankfully Gilbert and Alfred, who managed to detangle himself from Matthew in time, were able to grab him and keep him from g ripping Ludwig's throat out. Said German cold do nothing more than stare at the in raged Italian, while Feliciano just sighed. 

"Maybe you should read the next entry Luddy" Feliciano said causing the German to just nod before he picked up the book and began reading. 

Due to similar tastes in fashion, Romano and Hong Kong get along surprisingly well. They'd get along even better if Hong Kong would just stop making fake Prada purses. 

Lovino paused in his attempts to escape from Gilbert and Alfred to give Leon an annoyed looked, which only resulted in that man giving him a cheeky grin. Ludwig breathed a sign in relief when Lovino stopped glaring daggers at him before he returned to reading the book. 

Every year, on 9/11 Alfred refuses to do anything let alone get out of bed. The only person who can convince him to do little things like eating is his brother Matthew. 

The room was filled with a chilling silence as everyone stared at the silent American. Lovino slumped slightly and stared up at the younger nation in shock, Alfred grip on him loosened as he looked around the room nervously before he cleared his throat. 

"I think now's a good time to call it quits for the night" He said shakily before he spun on his heel and began speed walking out of the room, this time with Matthew right on his heels, the Canadian would be damned if he let his little brother disappear this time. 

Arthur went to get up as well only to feel a tight grip on his arm which forced him back into his seat, when he turned around he saw Francis giving him a glare before the Frenchman got up himself and followed after the two brothers. 

Slowly everyone got up from there seats and began leaving the meeting room, everyone couldn't help but worry about the American. 

Arthur didn't know it yet but he was in for a very very long night. 

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