Chapter 3

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Tyler's Pov

As I walk in the school rather early which never happens to me, Note to self, use the alarm more often. While I was leaning on my locker, I see Evan, Brock, And David walking next to each other while talking about something.

"YO WHATS UP FUCKTARDS!" I yell across to them.

Thank god there's no teachers here this early. I start to jog to them and walk beside Evan.

"Yo, so what are you guys talking about?" I asked.

"We're talking about this new kid coming to our school today." David told me.

I wonder what this kid looks like or, at least know their name...

"What's this kid's name?"

"I think it's Craig, if its not then am not so sure..." Then Brock just trails off....Werid, he doesn't usually trails off. I just ignore it for now knowing its probably something not that bad.


There goes the bell.

"See ya guys at second period." David yells.

"See ya!" We yell in unison. Well of to first period.

:.Time Skip To Third Period.:

Yay...Third favorite period, Not. Math is my least favorite because it's a pain in the ass! I walk in and am at least like the sixth person to be there. When the bell rang the teacher came in first while the students follow behind her to go to there seats, then the teacher announced something.

"Hello class! We have a new student, His name is Craig Thompson."

We she finished talking the kid walked in and did a tiny wave.

"Craig you may seat next to Tyler, Tyler please raise your hand." As I raise my hand, the kid started to walk to my desk and sit next to me.

When he sat down, I start to examine him up and down as if his a painting. I start to examine his clothes, white t-shirt, orange jacket and blue torn jeans. Then I start to examine his body. His chest and shoulders kinda buff but not to much. Then his feminine hips and his fox ears and tail. He actually looks kinda....Cute....


Shit. I just realized, I been looking at Craig this whole time. I start to walk very quickly to door and not give the teacher any work to hand in. Finally, Lunch. I start to get my lunch and sit in our usual table with Lui, Brock, and Brain already there.

I see Delirious walk in with somebody else in his arms practically dragging them. Finally I knew who they were and start to walk to us with the rest of the guys.

"Hey Guys! We want you to meet somebody!" Delirious said very excited.

"Alllllright, Who's this mysterious person?" Vanoss questioned.

Then Delirious showed us the person I was practically admiring by how cute they were at math.

Craig sat next to Marcel and Delirious. The rest of the guys started to talk to him while I was admiring him like in third period. Then Vanoss shouted, "Your In Our Crew!"

Oh boy, I can tell this is going to be a long year...

522 words

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