Chapter 17

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You can play the song whenever, I just put the song in the story because I thought I could put some music on and I was writing with the music on.



Craig's Pov




I groan as the alarm continues to blare at me.

"Okay okay... SHUT UP!" I yelled, clearly annoyed as I hit the alarm. It successfully turns off.

I walk to my closet seeing my selections. Black t-shirt with a white jacket and black jeans seems nice. Of course, I went to the bathroom to do my personal stuff. I walked down the stairs to see a note and Scar laying on the couch. I sigh, if only she was here long enough so I can talk to her about my slight crush.

'Hey, aren't I good enough to talk to you about crushes?'

'Y-Yes but also no...'

'So what's the reason you don't trust me about crushes?'

'I don't have time! I need to get to the bus!'

'We will talk about this later!'

I roll my eyes to myself like a weirdo, and rush out the door with my usual things. I run down the sidewalk to my bus stop hoping the rude kids were still there.

Of course, the kids were still there as the bus could been seen down the road. Starting all the usual things, climb aboard, waiting for Delirious, Get to school and start my shitty periods.

:.Lunch Time.:

Of course, I enter the cafeteria with people running, screaming, and throwing shit. We grab our usual shit, like a normal boring ass day. We sit in our usual table, which was in the back but hey, am not complaining. I always sit on the edge with Tyler beside me.

My heart always speeds up, a bit of heavy breathing, and possibilities that my heart is telling me. My heart usually says, 'Tyler might make a move on you!' Or, 'Ask Tyler out!' With Jay encouraging my gay thoughts.

But today was actually the day! The reason why was because Evan sat next to Tyler instead of Delirious because he nudged Evan. Evan and Tyler have a quick talk which resulting into Tyler turn to me. He quickly got into a position which had his elbows on the table, head in his hand and a light a blush that could only be seen with alot of light.

"Hey Craig, I was wondering if you were free tonight?"

Not gonna lie, he look kinda cute. Abandoning that thought and realized that I had nothing to do.

"Well, I got nothing to do, so yeah, am free."

"Great! Because I want to take you somewhere."

"Okay, just tell me what time we will be leaving."

"I decided that we leave at 6:30."

I nod as the bell started to ring. Of course we take our time and continuing on with our day as I am exploding with excitement and I can't stand to wait.

:.Time Skip.:

I ran all the way back home, sure I was out of breathe but my tail and animal sides say otherwise. I quickly bolted up the stairs, ending up in my closet.

I grab a black jacket, keeping the black t-shirt and my shoes. I ran across the hallway to the bathroom. I washed my face and try to calm down. I walk down the stairs and try to find food for Scar. Don't know when my mom bought dog food but fuck it.

I grab two random bowls and put dog food in one bowl and water in the other one. I put it near the entrance of the kitchen and checked the time.


Well fuck, I didn't know I toke this long. A beep called out from outside. I quickly checked if I have everything and grab my spare keys.

"Bye Scar, be good!"

He barked in respond. I walk out the door, seeing a red truck. I lock the door and walk towards the truck. I open the passenger door to greet Tyler. He started to drive onto the street.

"So, where are we going?" I questioned.

"That's for me to know and for you to figure out." He said with a smirk on his face.

"Asshole." I quietly say.

I stare out the window, waiting to see where we will be going. Where ever we are it seems that its far away and abandoned but very peaceful. I could see the town go farther away to somewhere uphill. The streets became less crowded as we were driving up uphill, until Tyler parked near a park looking gate.

"Were here."

"So you took me to a abandoned park?"

"Nope. Just follow me."

He lead to me a part in the back of the park with a path lead to a woods-like area, did I mention it looks dark and creepy? Walking through the trees and being a little scared, none-the-less still walking with Tyler. We kept walking until I saw a beautiful open field with trees surrounding it. A few fireflies and a ton of beautiful flowers in the field.

"This is where I go when I need to relieve stress because this park has been abandoned for years." He said.

"And why did you bring me here?" I questioned.

"Because I heard the shooting stars are going to be seen today."

He held his hand out for me to take. I gladly accepted.

He pulled me to the middle of the field to he laid down on the grass. Copying his movements and laid down next to him. We talked and laughed. I was enjoying the time spend with him but what made it better was that the shooting stars come out. They lit up the sky just like the city but better. One by one, they were so beautiful and I was pointing at them just saying something stupid.

Soon they stop but I wasn't sad because Tyler was here. I soon felt a tiny comforting squeeze, looking down I saw my hand intertwined with Tyler's hand. I smiled and I was happy that I was getting closer to somebody I like.


I dont think its like anymore,

I-I think i...

Love him.

1007 words

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