[ End ]

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Craig's Pov

-Last time-


What To Do, What To Do, What To Do!




"-Sten Craig..."

"Craig? Listen to me Craig."

That voice...

Its so familiar...


"Yes! Yes, Yes! That's me Craig!"

I opened my eyes to a blinding light. I realized the blinding light as the sun. I soon sit up and criss-crossed my legs to see a empty but beautiful meadow. What was I doing here? Wasn't I supposed to be somewhere? Hmm.... Can't remember, but I guess it wasn't that important. But though, where did that voice go?


"Right next to you."

I turned to see a man with a Hellhound form. Weird... He wasn't here a second ago... Wait!

I turned around quickly to see if my tail was still there so I know this guy didn't try to cut my tail off.

Luckily, it was still there and hugged it like I do with my pillow.

He chuckled, "You don't know who I am, do you?"

I don't, but the voice is so familiar...

"Sorry... I don't..."

He leaned forward and pressed our foreheads together. He closed his eyes, should I do it too? I closed my eyes and suddenly everything went though my head in one big blur.

Thats him! Where he did bring me?!

I pushed him away and crawled away far enough enough where I could see him but he can't do anything tricky with me.

"I know you don't trust me but you have to."

"As if! You tried to kidnap me!"

"To bring you here."

"Even if you did want to bring me here, I wouldn't trust you!"

"Then do you want me to gain your trust?"

"I highly doubt you can!"

'Then what about now?'

What The Fuck!?!

"How can you talk in Jay's voice?!"

"I guess you could say, I am Jay, but without the Y and add in a few extra letters."

"Which are...?"

"R-E-D, Put them them together you get Jared."

Jared... Jared?

"Jared, Craig, dinners ready!"

"Let's go Craig your Mother is waiting for us."

"Okay Daddy!"

"Y-Your my Dad?"

He just nodded, after all these years his been in jail or has he been trying to find me?

"How can you talk to me like Jay, or, technically speaking, you?"

"I wasn't able to teach you to enter someone's head and speak to them because I got arrested before I could. Pretty cool for a Hellhound, huh?"

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