Chapter 18

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Craig's Pov

-Last time-


I dont think its like anymore,

I-I think i...

Love him.


I release a loud yawn as I sit up. I didn't really sleep since Tyler took me to the abandoned park. Though, it was the best day of my life. I checked through my closet to my clothes.

I change into a white shirt with black lines at the bottom and black pants. I walked down the stairs to see Scar at the bottom with his bowl in his mouth. I chuckle a bit and grab his bowl. Figuring out it was his food bowl since his water bowl is almost empty. Still, I grabbed both of the bowls and fill them up and put them in there respected place. I grab my keys and pet Scar.

"Be good Scar, ill be home soon."

He barked as a beep was heard outside. The fuck? I don't think anyone was supposed to pick me up? Wait- No- That bitch. I open the door to see I knew who would be there.

"Wassup bitch!"

The one and only Tyler.

I locked the door behind me as I walked towards the red truck. I open the door and climb on,

"So, what exactly are you doing here?"

"What? Can I not pick up my- best friend from his house?" He said with his ear twitching.

Best friend?

I felt a ping of pain from my heart but I ingored it. There was a brief moment before he said 'best friend'. What was he going to say?

"Well, I think its kinda unusual for you to pick me up."

"Just enjoy your ride you ungrateful bitch." He said with a joking tone.

So, I did as he said. I enjoyed the ride till we got to school. We got off a parking lot Tyler parked in and walked in. I tried to find one of the guys but I swear I saw Moo, just I was about to say something he was gone. Unfortunately, I lost Tyler, Welp, this is great...

Meh, they must talking somewhere. I walked the route to my locker before my ears picked up something.

"What about.... He will.... Can't keep him..."

It was a voice near my locker, but it sounded so familiar...

I looked around the corner to get a better angle at the people at my locker. It was some guy with a black hood over his head with blue pants and black boots. I couldn't see his tail and ears, Werid...


"No buts!"

There was also a feminine voice. She had a pink jacket and a white t-shirt. She had black stockings and boots. Her hybrid is quite uncommon but I knew what she was, She was a Elephant shrew. I don't want this to continue...

"Excuse me, but your at my locker."

They both look at me. The girl had wide eyes while the guy... I couldn't tell. The group behind them also look at us. Hold on... That's the guys!

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