Chapter 15

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This chapter is about DaithiDeCalibre and TerroriserSnuckel so yeah, enjoy.

No am I not making them sail just yet, just giving moments with each other ;P


Lui's Pov

During Truth or dare was one of the weridest and embarrassing moments. Yeah... Especially when I sat on Noglas lap. I just hope it doesn't change anything but the fact we live with each other will make things more akward.

We were walking down the sidewalk until we arrive home. We walk in while I go to the kitchen and Nogla walking up the stairs, probably taking a bath.

I grab some gummy worms off the counter and open them once I arrive on the couch.

Of course, I hear running water upstairs while in put on some random show. I get in a comfortable position that my tail or body won't get uncomfortable in. After 15 minutes I become engulfed into the show, which unfortunately was a horror show.


I quickly grab a pillow and throw it behind me. I was about to punch the pillow by who ever grabbed it but I realized it was just Nogla. He kept snickering while I just sit there in disbelief.

"Asshole" I whispered.

"Ahh, come on! You know it was funny!"

"No it wasn't bitch!"

I just sat back in the couch and hugged my knees, giving out a frustrated huff of air.

"Come on."

He walled over to the couch, being careful of my tail, and sat next to me.

"What will make you forgive me?"

I start to think for a moment in till he suggested some thing that i agreed to.



He got up and rushed a bit upstairs. Though, few seconds later he brought back a blanket. He sat back down and threw the blanket over both our shoulders. I was cuddled up next to him with his arm grabbing my hip with my tail around his arm. My hand on his head, playing with his hair and dog ears.

We both enjoy the show and each others company until we both pass out.

Brock's Pov

Me and Brian both had some time to spend together which I like a lot because I get to spend time with the guy I have a crush on. Every Sunday morning, we would go to the gym to work out.

A ring from my phone epruted throughout my room.

Caller Id: Brian❤
Accept call?
Decline  Accept

"Hey Brian!"

"Hey Brock, you ready to go because am outside waiting for you."

"Yeah, just need to grab a couple of things." I lied sounding chill.

I lied to him because I need a few seconds before I meet him. This always happens before I meet Brian in person, take a deep breaths saying I can do this, reject myself from thinking I can do this, gain all the confidence I can muster and walk out to meet his handsome face.

I end the call, and walk out the door. Since Brian is loaded with cash, his family is able to get him a Koenigsegg One.

He waves to me while I walk down to him.

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