Chapter 5

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Delirious' Pov

After I got out of school the crew went their separate ways, Craig said he will meet me at his house so he ran back home while I walked to the big city cause thats where you can find a special cake, right? Craig gave me his number before he ran off so I decided to text him because I didn't know where to go.

Okay, Mr. Multiple hybrids, where is this cake at?

Its at Sally's Special Bakery, you have to give to me in one hour or I won't show you my hybrid forms. Just for fun. ;p

WHAT!?! I don't even know the address to this dumb place!

What!? But I don't even have the address!

you have a GPS for a reason Jonathan.

Alright then ill go get you your little cake.

I put in the address of this bakery and start to listen to the GPS.

After a little while I finally arrive, I turned off the GPS and walk in to a very hyper Neko.

"Hello! What brings you to Sally's Special Bakery?"

"Do you have a Special Fire Cake?"

"Yes we do! We'll have your cake out in 45 minutes!"

I start to walk over to a empty table and text some of my friends and tell Craig his cake is going to be out in 45 minutes.

I heard the bell rang when the door opened. I was just to curious and peeked over to see who it was. I saw Marcel with Scotty holding hands. Wait What? As they order some kind of cake, they find a empty table, which was right behind me.

I turned around at peeked over the edge of the cushion and just surprise them.

"Yo, what's up lovebirds?" They turned around with a shocked expression and Scotty looked at me with a serious expression this time and said,

"Jonathan, we need to talk, come sit with us." The guys never use our real names in public unless its serious.

I walked over to their table and sit across from the two. Marcel told me there little secret.

"Okay look, me and Scotty have been dating for at least 2 months now and don't know how to say it to the crew because they might not want us as friends anymore..." I was shocked on what Marcel said.

"Don't worry am sure they will understand and still you have guys as friends, If not, ill kick their asses."

They give me a happy smile and I promised them I will keep it a secret, after a little while I heard, "Special Fire Cake?"

"Thats my order, bye guys!" They both said there goodbyes as I walk out the store with my tail grabbing the cake package tight enough for it not to slip out but not to tight to ruin it.

I text Craig and he gave me his address and i start to walk to his house. I rang the door bell and I heard faint footsteps and the door opened.

"Hey Delirious! You have the cake?"

"Of course I do! Now lets go inside." I walk inside and sat on his couch. I set the cake on the coffee table in front of us. When I open the box the cake looked really delicious.

 When I open the box the cake looked really delicious

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^^ Special Fire Cake ^^

I didn't really see what was special about so I asked Craig.

"Hey Craig, What's so special about this cake?"

"The cake is for a type of hybrid that can deal with fire, and I have one of these forms."

I reply with excitement, "Oh my fuck, Please Show me!"

Craig rolled his eyes while smiling and went behind the couch as he formed into a Phoenix.

^^ Craig's Phoenix Form ^^

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^^ Craig's Phoenix Form ^^

Craig flew to the kitchen and flew back with a spoon in his claws and transform in his human form with his fox ears and tail.

"Yay!" He said in excitement and started to dig into his cake. But I got confused... He said he would show me his third form but I haven't seen it yet and it doesn't look like his gonna show it to me so I asked,

"Hey... Aren't you going to show me your last form?"

He hummed in reply and said, "Oh... I'll show you on Friday after you bring me something."

I say with a bit of anger, "WHAT!?!? But I thought I was gonna see your other hybrid form, if I see it on Friday I won't be that patient!"

"Well to bad you gonna have to learn to have patience, bitch." He said after he toke another bite of his cake.

Craig put the leftovers in the refrigerator he looked at the time and said, "You want to stay here or go because my mom will be here in 5 minutes."

"Am gonna to stay."

Craig nodded and the door knob started to twist and turned untill a woman came in which I assume was Craig's mother. Craig walked to her and hug her and she said,

"Craig, who's that on the couch?"

"That's my friend, Jonathan."

I got up and shake her hand, "Nice to meet you Mrs."

"Lets not do the Mrs. thing, call me Kelly." ( I didn't know what to put for her name. Just roll with it. )

"Well make yourself at home."

"Thank you." I reply. Craig decided we should play some games with some laughs and raging here and there in till I had to go.

I do have to say, Craig is a pretty interesting person so far...

932 words

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