Chapter 20

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Craig's Pov

-Last time-

"Today was a good day Scar..."

Soon, I got up and went to sleep dreaming about the wonderful day I wish could happen again.



'Ingore it, just get 5 more minutes.'

"Just... 5 more...."

Ding. Ding. Ding...

'Okay maybe you should get up...'

'Guess so...'

I lift myself up and get off my bed. I walk down the stairs very slowly. Checking the time...


Who the fuck goes to someones house at 5:48 AM?

I open the door to see someone with slick back black hair, nice face structure, and a white tuxedo. He's handsome but not as handsome as Tyler.

"I believe this is for you."

He gave me a fancy gold and white card with cursive letters,

Craig Thompson


Kelly Thompson

"Thank you..."

He gave me a bow before turning around and leaving to a black limbo.

I closed the door and walked to the living room. A little peak won't hurt... Right?

I opened the letter to be meet with more fancy writing.

Dear Thompsons,

I Would Be Happy To Announce That Our Former Family Members Are Getting Engaged! The Two Thompsons That Are Getting Engaged Are Melly Thompson and Brad Thompson. We Would Happy To Announce That We Are Celebrating This Momentence Occasion To Be Held On July The 23rd, A Monday. I Understand That Your Child Will Be In School But We Will Handle The Situation, Since Were Are Able To Give A Large Sum Of Money To The Schools. So, We Are Happy If You Will Be Able To Join Us On This Happy Moment. The Address Will Be On The Back Of the Card And Friend Of Yours Can Join Us.

Yours Truly,

Akarly Thompson.

Hold the Fucking Phone, I haven't heard from Nelly For 10 years. And she's inviting us to a wedding after all these years!?


I let a... Ahem... A very manly scream...

"Haha! Haaaa..... So, what are you reading?"

"Look for yourself."

I handed my mom the letter and she started to read. Her eyes widen, and started to squeal. Not going to lie, it hurts.

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