Filter Chapter - 1

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-Btw, the setting takes place on Sunday, when is where I wrote the DaithiDeCailbre and TerroriserSnuckel moment.-

Craig's Pov

I walk down the sidewalk of the busy city because Evan and Jon want to hang out with each other. Brock and Brian doing the same, Lui and David are just to lazy to do anything.

So, I thought the city was a great place to go. The sidewalk wasn't crowded, like three or four hybrids walk down it every once in a while.

And here I am, walking down the streets just getting lost in my own thoughts. I don't know when I got snapped out of my thoughts because I heard a whimper of pain. My ears perk up to get a better sense of direction, when they do, the whimper of pain came back.

Fuck that.

The whimper came back down a fucking creepy black alley. But, no balls, right? Of course being my stupid-ass self, I walk down the alley with hesitation in every step I take.

I got to the middle of the alley and I look to my left to see a Siberian Husky on the ground. I quickly examined it and toke note of it's appearance.

Mostly black, it's stomach and paws were white, Beautiful sky blue eyes, like Tyler's but his are more icy blue. Anyways, it seems to be hurt. It's right rear leg had a nasty cut and blood cover it's fur and a bit on the ground.

I quickly took three steps but the Huskey growled before I could take any more steps. I gave it comforting words before it made a soft gentle look, saying I can pick it up.

I quickly but careful take a hold of it, avoiding the cut. I knew the vet could of been a one hour run, and my house could save a ton of that time.

:.Time Skip to Craig's House.:

Quickly grabbing my keys out of my pocket by my tail, since my hands were full at the moment. Closing the door, putting down the whimpering dog on the floor, and grabbing a towel to put under it.

I grabbed a medkit, without wasting any time, I observed its wound. I grabbed the rubbing alcohol and put some on the cotton ball. I put it on the wound, the Huskey creates more whimpers throughout the house.

As much I hate to do this, I have to. I grab the stiches and start to thread the needle through its skin. Hurtful, Loud, Heartbreaking whimpers came from the poor dog. Once I was done with the stitches, I grab the bandages and quickly wrap the leg up.

In the corner of my eye the dog wags it's tail. I quickly check its gender, now confirming it's a male. Quickly deciding his name, Scar, for the future scar on his right rear leg.

"Hey bud, I know its hard but you'll get through this."

He gives a comforting whine.

"Your hungry, right?"

He barks.

I get up to walk to my kitchen and try to find something. We never had a dog so dog food is out of the question. But dogs like to eat meat, I think... I grab a big piece of pork and walk back to the living room.

I rip it up into little pieces and handed the pieces to Scar, one by one. He happily eats the free food.

'How long are you going to keep this mutt?'

'Woah, calm your tits for a second, why did you call him a mutt?'

'Because I don't care for dog breeds, so I call them mutts. Now, how long are keeping him?'

'For as long as I can.'

I will keep him because he needs all the help he can get, and hopeful get through my mom. And honestly, how can you say no to a cute Huskey like him?

"Hey boy, want to go upstairs?"

He barks. I laugh.

I careful carry him upstairs to my bedroom. I close the door and put Scar on the edge of my bed, facing my Xbox. I put in Black Ops 3 because I can. I hook in my controller.

Scar seems very smart, whenever I go somewhere am not suppose to he growls in warning. Whenever I go and kill someone, he barks in excitement.

I continue playing and Scar happily barks along my side, that is until, he growled whenever we heard the door. Scar barked in warning but I just calmed him.

"Stay here boy, I bet its just my mom."

I walk downstairs, to of course see my mother.

"Hey mom!" I greet sweetly.

"Hey, how's my little Craigy?"

"Am doing fine."


She starts to put her purse on the hanging rack we have and walks to the kitchen with me following her.

"Hey mom, can we talk."


I cleared my throat.

"Can we have a dog?"

"Why?" She said with a eyebrow raised.

"Because, Reason number one, The dog will keep us company whenever we are alone. Reason number two, The dog can protect us from any danger that comes our way."

"And three I can teach it to behave properly and be our guide."

She starts to stare into space as she puts on her finger on her chin, she then smiles to me.

"Why not? We can go to the pound and see which one speaks out to you."

I didn't notice this into now, but... Scar is sitting near the stairs as if he's waiting for his cue. If wants a cue, ill give him a cue.

"Actually, I've already got one in mind." I point my head for him to come over. He understood and trotted over to me.

"Mom, this is Scar."

She turned to me and then to the Scar. She crouched over and started petting him and gushing over how cute he is.

"So can we keep it?"

"Of course!"

After a few more seconds of her gushing over him, she quickly stood up and said,

"Okay! Off to bed, you have school to go to tomorrow And no buts!"

"Okay but can I take the dog?"

"Fine." She rolled her eyes.

I picked up Scar and went upstairs. I set him down on my bed, and removed my clothes. But not my boxers, of course. I jumped on my bed making Scar jump a bit with me. He groaned and layed on his back next to me as I laughed.

"Goodnight Scar."

He barked.

I closed my eyes, tiredness fell upon me and let the darkness consume my body, into my dreams.

1096 words


I may of toke a longer time than I should have but that was becauss I was running out of ideas.

Little thing, the dog is going to become helpful. ;p

The next chapter is going to be me taking a step forward. That means Craig and Tyler are no longer acquaintances.

Bye Bye!


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