Chapter 10

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Craig's Pov

-Last time-

He started helping on intervals as I felt pretty confident now that Jay is here.

I might consider having Jay as a friend, even if he is a voice in my head.


When the bell rang I grab my paper and hand it in to the teacher. I walk off with Delirious to lunch and hang out with the other guys. When we arrive, we do our usual shit like, grabbing our food, talking to the guys, squealing over Marcel and Scotty while they make lovely gestures to each other.

When free period came around, I went to a creek close to the school. Like, when you walk out the back doors you see the cherry blossom tree and you look off the right to see the creek covered in trees that is really hard to see from the back doors unless you walk up to that area.

I start walking over to the creek wanting to talk to Jay. When I arrived, I sat on the edge of the creek, with my knees up to my chest while I hug them, admiring the creek while I talk to Jay.

'Everyday I miss having my own body, talking to my only friend and crush.'

'If you miss them so much, why did you go?'

'Well of course, everybody dies, but I passed away early at the age of 18.'

'Oh..... Am sorry, but if its okay with you, can you be the friend in my head?'

'D-Do you really want me to?'

'Of course! I thought of you as a friend ever since third period came around.'

'Well then, I will be your friend Craig.'

'Thanks so much!'


'Well off to fifth period, shall we friend?'

'We shall friend.'

I got up and began my walk to my fifth period, P.E. I walk through the hallway turning my way to the gym. When I arrived some people are already out waiting while some are still changing in the dressing room. I walk in the dressing room seeing Marcel, David, Evan, and Brock still changing. I walk up to my lockers to grab my clothes. I nod to Marcel and Brock while I walk to the bathroom with them close behind me.

'Uhh, why do you change in the restroom?'

'We don't like people watch us change clothes.'


As that quick conversation ended I put on my shorts and shirt and walk out, leaving me and Moo to guard the bathroom while Marcel is changing. After all of us are done changing, we put our own clothes in the lockers. After all kids are done the gym teacher spoke with a stern voice.

"Okay slackers, we will stretch then go on to play volleyball."

We start our stretches with jumping jacks, then came the plank, then we sat and reached for our toes, which I think is stupid.

After we finish we went on to our teams.

This is how it went for teams and the rounds.

Team 1:

Team 2:

Team 3:

Team 4:

After we determined the teams the game start. The gym teacher decided that the two teams that lose will fight for third place while the winners fight for first place.

Then, of course we start the game.

"Team 1 to Team 4!" The gym teacher announced.

I had back position while Brock had right position while Chase took left and we trusted Hadley with front position because she is a hummingbird. Ian served the ball since he was on back position. I watched him aim for Brock with the ball.

'Craig you have to hit this one.'

'Why? He's aiming for Brock.'

'Trust me I had experience, they aim for a person before they hit it a different direction.'

'Alright am doing this only because I trust you.'

Brock nodded to me for approval since it looks like he's aiming for Brock, according to Jay.

I shake my head while he is confused, he just rolled with it but still got in position to hit it back. I also got to position ready to hit it back.

The gym teacher whistled announcing that the game started. He was still aiming for Brock but the second I saw him he aimed for me. I already this was coming, thanks to Jay, I hit back making Gregg hit it back to our side. He sent the ball back to Chase making him send it back. We continued this game until it came down to the final point.

20 : 20

Hadley made a risky shot but Lucas got it and made go to the middle for enough seconds to do this. I went into a crouched position and cupped my hands together, ready for Brock to run up to me. Brock ran up to me, putting his foot in my cupped hands lifting my body along with Brocks foot, making him gain air. When the ball came over the net, Brock was there being able to hit it forcefully and win us the final point.

Volleyball went on for a little while until the game was final over.

1st place:
Team 1

2nd place:
Team 3

3rd place:
Team 4

4th place:
Team 2

We saw then scores and all of us heard David say softly,

"Volleyball was never my strong suit..."

We make a few chuckles and dressed for our last class. I had Brock and Marcel with me but we have to hurry because we know Scotty won't wait for us, well.... for Marcel maybe. We bolted down the hallway to Reading.

After with all the talking and Marcel and Scotty passing notes to each other, the bell finally rang, until I noticed something...

Tyler wasn't here today.

975 words

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