Chapter 8

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Craig's Pov

-Last time-

"Fine, in the morning there will be a sticky note on the refrigerator and I expect those things to be finished before I come back home!" I swished my tail back and forth in excitement and yelled.

"Thank you so much!"

She nodded and went back to the kitchen to continue my meal. After I ate I went up stairs, finished my homework, and stripped to my boxers and feel into a deep slumber...


I woke with a stir in my brain and eyes as I was engulfed with my fluffy blanket. Then I remembered that I have a fucking list to do since I didn't want to go to school.

I sat up and checked the time.


I grab a red jacket with black jeans and my favorite orange towel. I walk in the bathroom and put my clothes on the sink. I fill the bathtub and I stripped to my birthday suit and hop in the bathtub. I felt every piece of my body being engulfed with the hot water picking at my skin.

After I was finished I got dressed quickly and hurried down the stairs. I wake in the kitchen and saw the sticky note on the refrigerator.

This is all your assignments Craig Thompson.

· Clean your room
· Do half the laundry
· Clean out all the useless tools in the shed
· Go get groceries (List Below)
· Eggs
· A Baguette
· Milk
· Cheese
· Oreos
· Water
· Tomatoes
· Grapes
· Whatever you want else

If you don't finished these things there will be consequences. I come home at 5:30.

I sigh as I put the sticky note in the pocket of my jacket and start with the first thing on the list, I got to clean my room.

I walk past the living as I walk up the living room. As I walk in the highway I found my door and walk in. My room wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I turned into my Phoenix form and fly around my room in till I became a blur of orange and pick up everything and put things in there proper place like the flash. After I was done I fly downstairs and in the laundry room.

I transform back in my half fox form and I pick up a basket full of clothes and throw them in the washing machine. I turned it on as I look on the sticky note for my next task. So I have to throw out all the useless tools. I walk in the kitchen and grab a garbage bag in one of the kitchen cupboards. I walk out the backdoor and start to walk to the shed. I walk in the door with a bit of force in my hands. I look around and get to work.

( Time Skip Because I Don't Know What To Put There )

After I throw all the useless tools in the garbage bin I check the list for the groceries. I sigh in exhaustion and out the door with my spare keys. I start to walk the opposite way of my school to head to Walmart. I start to walk in the double doors and grab a cart. I immediately walk to the clothes section. Yes I know I have to get food first but I just love all the boy-girl-ish clothes! I stop looking at all the clothes after like 15 minutes and start to get the food in a rush. After I was done with all the food shopping I grab the cart in a hurry and walk to all the clothes. I start to admire the clothes as I get lost in my thoughts.

'Man I wish I have all this clothes for myself!'

I lift up a pink jacket.

'Awwwwee! This jacket reminds me of Tyler!- Wait what? Why this jacket remind of Tyler? I mean, he is very cute and handsom- Nononono! Don't think that way Craig! He's only your friend!'

'Am not gay, am I?'

'If I did ever like Tyler he would never like me because he's probably straight, what am I saying he's probably straight, Of course he's straight!'

I sigh with hurtness clear in my sigh. At of nowhere I hear-


I look to my left, nothing. I look to my right, nothing. I finally turn around and see a wild Lui running straight to me with a running Moo behind him.

"Hey Craig!" He said as he finally was in front of me. I reply with a tiny wave from my hand. Moo speaks up.

"Hey Craig, we didn't expect you to be here."

And I wonder what they are doing here.

"And I didn't expect you to be here skipping school."

And Lui simply replys with a excuse.

"We both overslept cause we woke up at around 11:54."

I nodded with a bit of a stern face.

"It was Lui's fault! He didn't put on the alarm!"

Lui turns around and gasps.

"Excuse me, but it was your fault that you feed me gummy worms and made me hyperactive." He says in his squeaker voice. I swear no matter how many times he does that voice I will always be impressed.

I laughed at their little argument untill Moo asked me some thing.

"Hey Craig, can I talk to you in private?"

I looked at Moo with a confused look as Lui gave me a worried look.

"Sure?" Moo starts to drag me off to the bathroom which absolute nobody was using.

He starts,

"I know this might sound werid but do you like anyone in particular?"

As he finished his sentence my mind immediately went to Tyler. I shake off my thoughts.

"No, Why do you ask?"

He takes in a deep breath and lets it out slowly. "You promise not to tell anyone?"

I nod, am not going to be that bitch of a friend I had before... He continues.

"I asked you that question because I may or not may like Brian..."

I gasped, "Ooohhhh~ little Moo-Moo likes Brian~"

He blushes furiously, "Shut up!"

I laugh as I walk out the bathroom and run into Lui riding the cart around Walmart like a fucking child on steroids.

After I was done chasing around Lui with Moo's help I pay for all the food and start to head home. After I was home I was done with everything. I put the bags of food on the counter of the kitchen. I walk up the stairs and flopped down on the bed for a few minutes then I sat up and threw my shirt to the side not caring about my pants and laying back down on my bed and start falling back to the darkness once again...

1136 words

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