Chapter 9

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Craig's Pov

-Last time-

After I was done chasing around Lui with Moo's help I pay for all the food and start to head home. After I was home I was done with everything. I put the bags of food on the counter of the kitchen. I walk up the stairs and flopped down on the bed for a few minutes then I sat up and threw my shirt to the side not caring about my pants and laying back down on my bed and start falling back to the darkness once again...


I woke up pretty early by my annoying alarm. I walked over to my closet for clothes for school. A oversized black jacket and tight jeans. I toke a shower and dress for school today.

My mom wasn't there as usual and open one of the kitchen cupboards and grab a piece of toast. I went over to the living room, grabbing my spare keys, and locking the door before I leave to go to the bus stop.

I go to my bus stop and waited with my ear buds in my ear. It toke a good 10 minutes before I hopped on the bus.

I sat in the sit Delirious and I also sits in. After a few stops Delirious came on while I was lost in thought about Tyler with a...different voice but I shrugged it off.

'I hope Tyler's here today.'

'Me too.' Delirious messing with me? Nope, his to busy watching a fight unravel.

'Don't bother looking around, am just a random voice thats in your head, M'kay?'

' can you just like go away and can you hear every thought I have?'

'No I can't go away I will always be here 24/7 even your dreams. And yes I can hear every thought, dirty or not.

'Jeez, such a stalker... I had voices in my head before...just not 24/7 before.'

'Well you better stop talking to me whore because we're here.'

'Wait what? Am not a wh-'

The bus stop with a sudden push that scared me, badly. I see Delirious turn to me and say, "Come on you slow ass, we got to go!" I huff in annoyance and walk off the bus. We start walking through the crowd and go to our the lockers. I start putting the number pin in and grab stuff for English.

After the bell rang I walk off to English after I said goodbye to Delirious and walk to my class. I sat down next to Lui while he was talking to some kid in front of him and I started to talk to the weird voice in my head.

'Hey stalker, you here?'

'I told you am here 24/7 dumbass.'

'Well whatever, by the way whats your name?'

'I don't know just call me something, but not stalker.'



'M'kay.....uhh how about Jay?'

'Sounds fine.'

'Cool, so what are you doing here, like what's your purpose?'

'My purpose is to help you realize shit, like your crush.'

'Oh oka- Wait what crush?'

'Tyler shitface.'

'I don't like Tyler you, horse ass.'

'Yes you do, social disease.'

'No I don't, fatass.'

'Yes you d-'


Finally, I walk off with Lui and said goodbye and walk off to second period. I walk in the class seeing that am early so I waited not even bothering with the fucker in my head. Delirious walks in with the teacher behind him. The teacher spoke.

"Okay stubborn rats, only people who are interested in chemicals come up to my desk for extra credit." Of course I don't go up but 5 to 6 people walk up to her. I just put my head down and talk to Jay again.

'Okay shithead, what do you want to talk about?'

'Your crush.'

'He's not my crush.'

'Yes he is, think about, you think of him at least once a day, you wonder if he's straight of not and you wish you can kiss him.'

'Okay! Maybe I have slight crush on him.'

'Finally, you admitted it!'

'Whatever fuck face.'

"Okay rats, the bell is going to ring in 5 minutes so, I want you out of class."

The teacher said. She starts to shoo us away and the kids walk out of her class along with me and Delirious. Me and Delirious go our separate ways while I go to my locker and get my things for Math. After I got my things, I go to Brain's locker and wait there for a few minutes until the bell rings.

The hallways start to flood with kids walking left or right. I wait a bit until I see Brain and Brock talking and laughing with each other. Brock speaks up to m.

"Hey Mini!" Brain walks up to his locker while me and Brock have a quiet side conversation, I spoke up first, more like whispered first,

"So Brock, when are going to kiss your man?"

He reply with a slight blush, "He's not my man!"

I was about to say something until we were interrupted,

"Watcha talkin' about?" Brain say with slight curiosity in his voice.

Brock jumped a bit


"Uhh okay then but we should start walking unless we want to be late."

He was right, the halls start to clear out and the bell could ring any second now.

"Well let's move our asses!" I say as I start to bolt down the hallways. Brock and Brain bolted down with me as we arrive with a few seconds to spare.

As we arrive, we take our seat and the bell rang a few seconds after that.

'I swear, you teens are irresponsible.'

'Shut the fuck up Jay!'

'Okay okay! Jeez.'

The teacher caught me out of my daze when she spoke.

"Okay class we are having a review on intervals today." She starts to hand a paper with adding and subtracting intervals. I realized that Jay can help get a better grade at Math!

'Hey Jay, do you remember most shit about Math?'

'Yeah, Why?'

'Uhhh.... No reason!'

'Your using me, aren't you?'

'What noo!.... Okay maybe...'

'Its fine as long I can chat with you in your dreams.'


'K, Now onto your shitty review.'

He started helping on intervals as I felt pretty confident now that Jay is here.

I might consider having Jay as a friend, even if he is a voice in my head.

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