Chapter 11

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Craig's Pov

-Last time-

After with all the talking and Marcel and Scotty passing notes to each other, the bell finally rang, until I noticed something...

Tyler wasn't here today.


I stop in the middle of the hallway wondering where the fuck he could of gone. Until I realized I can get Tyler's number by Evan. From what I can remember Evans last period is chorus.

I bolt down the hallway for the second time in a rush. When I arrive, thanks to my luck, he was there organizing the clothes in a huge closet. I say in a rush.


Evan reply with a bit of a laugh, "Woah, calm down! Am not going anywhere."

I slow down my talking for him to make out my sentence. "Can I please get Tylers number? He might be in trouble."

"I checked on him this morning, he's fine."

"How do you know where he lives?"

"He lives with me." He replys in a bubbly tone. That's makes alot of sense. But I ask anyways, "Can I get his number anyways?"

He replys with a smirk on his face, "Why? So you can talk to your boyfriend~"

I Could feel my face heat up, "Shut the fuck up!"

He laughs, "Okay okay, here." He grabs a piece of random paper from the closet and puts Tyler's number on it.

"Here you go."

"Thanks so much!"

I wave to Evan as he waves to me back. I walk out the class and start to exit out the schools double doors, until I notice a two figures in the distance. I couldn't figure who they were so I continue my walking pace until I was in there vision to see me. Its was Lui and Delirious, they ran up to me and Lui questioned me.

"Where the fuck did you go?!"

"You had us worried!"

I reply with a laugh, "I only asked Evan if he seen Tyler."

They both sigh in relief.

"Oh! Can we go to your house?" Lui recommends.

Delirious made the shot anyways.

"Sure, lets go."

"What have you been there before?"

"Yeah I did, it was pretty exciting just raging and fucking around."

Lui has excitement in his eyes, body, and legs. He starts to run in opposite direction of my house. I walk to the direction of my house, I walk backwards and yell to Lui.

"Wrong way Lui!"

He stops his run and turns around and start to run his way backs to us. I turn around as well, walking down the familiar street.

When I arrived home, I opened door with my spare key.

"Home sweet Home!" They both walk in along with me and they both sit in the couch getting comfortable.

"What should we do?" I thought for a while but I had no clue.

"Don't know, it was Lui's idea to tag along with me."

Lui and Delirious start whispering to each other while I think nothing of it and walk into the kitchen wanting a snack.

I open one of my kitchen cupboards, grabbing crackers and gummy worms for Lui. I walk back, they stop their conversation when Lui yelled.

"Gummy Worms!" I chuckle and throw them to Lui which he opened and start to eat, one by one.

I decided to put on the T.V. for us to watch. Delirious put on Stranger Things. When the time came around 7 o'clock, I heard the doorknob rattle and start to move around. I notice my mom walk in.

"Oh hello boys! Delirious and a other one?" I nodded and Lui walks up to her and talked to her.

"Hello am Lui, Nice to meet you."

"Formal aren't we? Call me Kelly."

Lui nods and walks back to the couch to sit criss crossed and continue watching Stranger Things. My mom walked to the kitchen and put her purse on the counter. After an hour the guys said goodbye and left me alone with my mom. I turned off the T.V. to hear the stove and water boiling.

I always see the book shelf in the back of the living which I always ignore in till now. I walked over it, scanning the titles and see which one caught my attention. Finally, on the edge I found a book one how to speak different languages. I grab the book and opened it up looking on the languages I can learn. I walk over the living room, with the book in my hand. I sit on the couch and scan through the book. I remember that Lui speaks Spanish, so why not give it a shot? I mean Jay can also help me out.

'Hey Jay, ready for some motherfucking Spanish?'

'Wait, what the fuck? I don't want some shit-show language book that wouldn't ever help me.'

'We can have secret conversations with other people.'

'I'll think about.'

'Theres Spanish.'

'Wait Spanish? My crush used to speak spanish, am in!'

I opened the book to the page that says 'Spanish', Jay and me get ready for some good Spanish lessons.

848 words

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