The rule itself...

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              "And be sure to call me a lot, you hear me Sherri?!"  My dad threatened me while hugging me tightly.  I smiled against his chest and nodded my head.  

"Of course, Dad.  It's just for the summer!'"  I loosened my grip from around his waist and looked up at him.  "Cousin Liam will take good care of me!"  I turned to Liam who was too busy texting his girlfriend, Danielle. 

"If not, I'll kick his arse!"  My dad spoke a lot louder, causing Liam to jump.  I laughed and shook my head at Liam's intense head nodding.  

"Sherri will be fine, Uncle Sal, she won't leave my sight."  Liam walked over and wrapped his arm around my shoulder and kissed my forehead. 

     Liam was my absolute favorite cousin for one reason and one reason only; he has and will always be there for me.  Everything I have done and gone through, he's been there to support me.  He's been to every one of my dance competitions since I was 7, he's been there for my first heart break when my ex boyfriend, Ty, cheated on my with my ex best friend, Sam, and he was by my side for a whole month after my mother died when I was ten.    

"Good.  My baby girl needs to be protected."  My dad ruffled my hair, making me groan.

"Dad!  I'm 17!  Liam's only a few months older than me."  I nudged Liam's arm and he smirked. 

"Yeah, but I'm considered an adult now, the perks of being 18."  He crinkled his nose and winked at me.  His phone vibrated in his back pocket and to my surprise, it wasn't Danielle.  He sighed and shook his head.  "The boys are really anxious to meet Sherr, so we better get going."  Liam grabbed my suitcases and threw them into the back of his van.  

I smiled and turned to my dad one last time for three months.  "I'll call you every night.  I love you."  My dad nodded and kissed my forehead, pulling me in for one last embrace.

"I love you too, Sherr bear."  

I knew it must've been hard for him, seeing his little girl go and leave him for three months, but he had to get used to it.. I was going to college next year and I wouldn't be home quite often.  I walked to the van and opened the passenger side door.  I turned him, giving him one final wave, and headed to One Direction's flat.

"Boy, have you grown."  Liam turned his head to me and smiled.  Liam and I hadn't seen each other for a good two years, due to the fact that the band was taking off so quickly and they had a lot of work to do (interviews, recordings, etc.)

 I smiled and shrugged my shoulders.  "Still the same old Sherri Payne that you adore and wish you were."  He shook his head and laughed.  I looked out the window, my stomach jumping with nervousness about meeting the boys.  I mean, I've talked to them on the phone a couple of times when Liam and I would call each other, but that's really about it. 

As though he read my mind, Liam grabbed my leg and shook it lightly in reassurance.  "Don't be nervous, they're going to love you."  

 I sighed and nodded.  "I hope so."  

There were a few minutes of silence until Liam broke it.  "I have one rule, while you're living with us." I turned to Liam, waiting for him to finish his thoughts.  "You are not allowed to get with any of the boys.  Okay?"  I lifted one eyebrow, showing him my confusion.  "Just... don't."  



Liam and I both turned to the window, where the British accent was coming from and smiled.  Liam hadn't even had time to get the house key out of his pocket by the time Zayn threw open the door.  My heart skipped a beat at his beauty and I quickly looked down, pretending to be rather interested in my tan moccasins.  

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