Imagine for Naomi

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You giggled as Harry told you a joke. His jokes are always the same ones he always tells, but seeing him smile and be all happy, made you smile and be happy too. Hearing him laugh when he's trying to tell you a joke, you cant help but laugh too. You love his laugh and everything about him.

Harry held your hand and swung both his and your arm as you walked beside each other. He was going on and on about the future of One Direction and the future of you and him. You couldn't help but smile at him. Every time you and him spent together, just made you want to spend more time with each other.

You and Harry walked into a park. Kids ran and played tag together around the play equipment and on the grass.

"Naomi, would you like some ice cream?" Harry asked you. You nodded your head as a yes. Harry took you to the ice cream truck.

"I'd like the cookie dough ice cream in a cone please."

The person inside the truck nodded and looked at you for what you wanted.

"chocolate please" You said and smiled.

"That would be $2 please."

Harry handed the person the money and handed Harry the change. You watched as the person got 2 cones and put chocolate ice cream in one cone, and cookie dough ice cream in the other. The person handed you your chocolate ice cream and handed Harry his.

Harry held your hand with his free hand and ate his ice cream with the other. You did the same thing.

"Thanks Harry!" you thanked him.

"Anything for you baby girl!" Harry said and kissed your cheek. You giggled as Harry's ice cream went on your cheek as he pulled away from the kiss. Harry cupped his hand over your cheek and wiped the ice cream off. You bit your lip holding in a blush. Harry smiles and kissed you. You kissed back. The kiss was magical but didn't last long because of the little kids staring. Harry pulled away and held your hand again.

The 2 of you ate your ice cream and continued on your walk.

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