Chapter 1

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POV Third person
It was January 25( The day his parents left for you know. let's just say its this day), Hachi was talking to his family. He noticed everytime joker said family he fliched.

"Mr.Joker are you ok?" hachi asked.

Joker was sad then when hachi asked he fake smiled and said to hachi "I'm alright"

"are you sure?" hachi asked again

"yeah I'm alright. I'm just gonna go out for some fresh air"Joker said.

POV Hachi
"It doesn't seem like he's alright" I thought.

So I took a look out of the window. I heard Mr.Joker mummbling to himself but I couldn't hear it

"What's he mummbling about?" I asked myself.

"So today's when they left huh?" Joker asked himself softly in sorrow.

"Why,why did they leave me?" I asked myself then remembered the last time we had dinner together and suddenly I remembered the fun time I with had with my family and my sisters.

   One died in an avalache and the other one who even now he still talked with over the phone every now and then because they knew the dangers of talking to each other in person (his sister is kind of the same story as conan and same organization. he knew about this) he remembered that it was their birthday when their perents died (the sisters are twins) and when Maliya died.

Suddenly my phone started ringing.

The Past Starts Coming to Light {re-write is up! Read that instead please}Where stories live. Discover now