Chapter 13

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POV Conan Edogawa/Shinichi Kudou
I am riding the train on my way to the airport to meet up with Ari-senpai, Ei-senpai, Jack, Kaito, Hatto-senpai and Hattori. We are going to have lunch together because apparently Ari-senpai and Hatto-senpai had a bet with each other and Ari-senpai won their bet so Hatto-senpai will treat all of us out for lunch. Kind of like the bet me and Hattori had before, and I won. "The next stop is the airport. I repeat the next stop is the airport" the train cunductor announced through the speakers.

POV Emi Sendou (Eathan/Aichi's younger sister)
"Say mom don't you think Aichi is acting weird because he woke up by himself today and I normally have to wake him up myself but he was really early today" I told mom a little worried about Aichi (Ok let me explain quickly. Emi does not know about the BO and so on and does not know her older brothers Eathan and Aichi are the same person. All she knows is that her older brother, Eathan is with Arian somewhere but mainly in America staying with their dad to solve cases. But she does not know that her dad is already dead. Their mom knows but she keeps it a secret from Emi. Oh yeah, Emi thinks that Aichi and Ara are childhood friends so they grew up together in America until both of them moved here to Japan when they were around a quarterway through 1st grade when they came to Japan). "Oh sorry Emi but I forgot to tell you that Aichi and Ara's old friends from America are visiting Japan at the moment" Mom told me. "Then why did he wake up early?" I asked. "Well their friends arrived early today and they are hanging out together to catch up with each other". "Oh I see" I said finishing the dishes. The doorbell rang "Oh Mai is here mom. Ittekimasu (See you later)" I said as i put on my shoes and left. "Itterashai (Take care)" Mom replied. "Ohayo Emi-chan" Mai greeted "Ohayo Mai-chan" I greeted back. "Say Emi, how about we have a cardfight?" Mai suggested we do. "Sure" I agreed. As we started walking to card capital we started talking "So Emi, Aichi is there already right?" Mai asked me. "No. Actually he left early today but it was not for a cardfight" I answered. We reached card capital and the doors opened up. "Ohayo Emi, Mai" Shin-san greeted "Ohayo" me and my greeted back. "Hello there Misaki-san" I greeted Misaki " Oh. Hey there Emi." Misaki greeted us with a small smile. "Ah. Ohayo Emi-sama" Kamui greeted blushing a little "Ohayo Kamui-kun" I greeted back. "Yo Emi-chan. So, when will Aichi be gatting here? Because someone here is getting a little impatient to cardfight with him" Miwa said sweatdropping pointing in a certain direcrion. I looked over to the direction he was pointing at and saw Kai sitting at a table. "Oh Kai is probably waiting for Aichi so he can have a cardfight" . "Oh, um.... Sorry but I am not sure when or if he will come today" I said nervously. "Huh? Why is that?" Kamui asked a little suprised. "Well friends of Aichi and Ara came to Japan for vacation and they arrived early this morning so he left to meet up with them and they were going to hang out the whole day. Well, according to what my mom said anyway" I told them. "Oh Ok. Sorry Kai but it looks like you will have to wait another time to have a cardfight with Aichi" Miwa told Kai.

POV Aichi Sendou/Eathan Sendou
I am on my way to meet up with Shinichi, Heiji, Kaito, Jack, Heichiro-chan and Ari-chan. Apperently those two had another bet an Ari-chan won so we are all going to meet up an eat together before we go to the meeting with the FBI, CIA and Japanese secret police.

POV Heichiro Hatto (basically a female version of heiji)
   Me an' Heiji are here in tha' plane goin' ta Tokyo to meet up with the 3 of them an' Jones is gonna introduce us to her otouto (younger brother) an' her and Kudo's old friend. She also said tha' she's also gonna tell us somethin' but we have no idea wha' it is. "Attention all passengers. Please fasten you seatbelt and fold up your tray tables up. We will be landing shortly" The captain announced. Me and Heiji buckled up and we didn't use our tray tables in the first place. Soon after we felt a few bumps which means we landed. We had let the other passengers go first so that it will be more spacious when we are gonna get off. A little while later there were finally less people in tha' plane. We got our bags an' left the plane.

POV Arian
    We made it to the airport. The three of us paid the taxi driver and got off. I noticed Eathan and Shinichi coming so we waited until both of them got to the spot we were at (fyi Shinichi and Kaito already found out about me being Kaitou Camille. And me and Shinichi told Kaito about our situation a little while back. Shinichi already knows. so yeah). "Hisashiburi Jack-oniisan (long time no see Jack)" Shinichi's shunken form, Conan greeted. I feel bad for him since he has to call Jack 'onii-san' despite him being 2 years older than Jack "Hisashiburi Conan" Jack greeted but I can tell he was struggling to call Shinichi, Conan.

POV Kaito Kuroba
    After we all greeted each other we started walking towards the arrival area of the airport to meet up with Heichoro-senpai and Heiji. We were looking for them and we finally saw them coming out. "Oi (hey). Over here" Ari-senpai called them with her hand raised up signaling them to come over here. Heichiro-senpai and Heiji saw it and rushed over to where we were waiting for them. "Hisashiburi Jones" Heichiro greeted Ari-senpai the way she normally does. "Hisashiburi Ku-Conan" Heiji greeted. "Anyways we should get going before we make the introductions" Ari-senpai said. "Yeah/Sure" we all replied to her and left for the retaurant Ari-senpai and Heichiro-senpai agreed on before they arrived.

The Past Starts Coming to Light {re-write is up! Read that instead please}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin