Chapter 18

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POV Arian
   I was doubting wether I should tell them about the truth behind my mom and dad's death, but if we are going to take down the Black Organisation, the MKO and the second professor Clover I guess it will be best to bring it into the light. "Alright so to start off, Jack, Kaito do not dare iterrupt me because I did not tell you anything regarding this" I told them because, well Jack will not really interrupt me that much but Kaito on the other hand interrupts me a lot. "Hatto, Hattori, have you two heard of a private plane crash 10 years ago?" I asked them.

POV Heichiro
   "Ya we heard of it. A private plane crashed somewhere an' tha people inside are dead from wha dey recovered" me and Heiji answered. "I wonder where she's goin with dis? I mean, it's Jones we're talkin 'bout here. She wouldn't ask that question fo no reason"

POV Jack
"What does Mama and Papa's death have to do with this? Sure, they knew Toichi-ojisan's identity but that does not change anything. But I wonder what Onee-san has been hidding from us for who knows how long but thinks it is imprortant for the takedown." it really is a mystery until she tells us. I just realised that maybe Eathan-niisan knows. "Ne Ei-nii, do you know what Onee-san is talking about?" ( A/N Ei is Eathan's nickname because his name starts with E but when you translate it to nihongo/japanese it starts with the character I so Arian combined the first letters so it became Ei)

POV Aichi
    "Ne Ei-nii, do you know what Onee-san is talking about?" Jack whispered. "Gomene Jack-kun, demo iie (Sorry Jack, but no)" I replied ro him whispering. "We should just listen to her to figure out what it is she has been hidding" I replied still whispering. "Hai (Yes/Alright)" was Jack's only reply

POV Third Person
   "So, wha' does tha plane crash have ta do wid dis?" Heiji asked Arian. "Well, do you know who were the people in the plane crash?" Arian asked Heiji and Heichiro. "No" they replied. "Well the ones who died in the plane crash 10 years ago were actually my parents"

POV Heichiro
   "J-jones parents.... I-i never thought that. I just assumed that her parents were overseas or somethin" I was pretty shocked to find out her parents had died before I met her. I just assumed they were somewhere like Kudo's parents.

POV Heiji
   "Jo-Jones-senpai's parents were killed 10 years ago!? ...chotto, what does dis have ta do wid the BO?" I jus realised that this would be related to the BO if she's mentionin it.

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