Chapter 7 (υи∂єя мαʝσя є∂ιтιиg)

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POV Arian
It was the old fun memories I had with my friends and family and then suddenly, everything went dark and then there were all the painful and sad memories.
~In the dream~
The first was the almost death of my twin sister, Karin Jones, and the actual death of my best friend, Atsuya, and his parents. The only ones left from the avalance that caused their death were me, Onee-chan (Karin was the older twin), and our other bestfriend, Fubuki, who is the twin brother of Atsuya. After that incident, we had to go back to Beika, since we were only staying there for summer break. And we never got to see each other after that.

The next scene was the day my parents died. The day started out normally, me watching over my younger brother while waiting for my parents to come home. I was having a chat with some of our staff. Apparently Otou-san gave Jack some sort of riddle to solve to get the key that he wants. Honestly, I wonder if he made it easy enough for Jack to figure out, because there is a chance he hid it in another one of the secret tunnels or secret rooms. I decided to check if it was there, only to find a note on the study table in the first secret room I checked. It read, 'Ari-chan, leave it to your younger brother to figure out the code. And do not worry, it is not in one of the secret rooms or passageways. And do not help Jack find the key, he needs to practice some of his own skills sometimes, right? But if he still has not found it when me and your mother return home, you will tell us your deduction. But, you will not find out the riddle until then. Just make sure your brother stays safe. - Arthur Jones' (note: the whole letter was written in english). Should have known otou-san would expect me to check the secret areas in the house.

Later that day, Karin came home from working on a project with her groupmates. Now, the three of us were in the living room, waiting for the return of our parents. Jack was squirming on the chair trying to figure out what was the riddle Otou-san left for him. Karin-chan tapped in our secret morse code 'So what happened while I was gone?' 'Nothing much. Just me finding out that Otou-san left Jack some sort of riddle for him to solve' I tapped my foot to tell her. She was about to question me about why I am not helping Jack, so I pulled her out to the kitchen to show her the letter Tou-san left. After she read it, she deadpanned slightly. "So, be ready for that deduction later, Ari-tantei" she told me playfully. "Of course. I will be a great detective some day" I said confidently. A few hours later, it was nightfall, so we were all waiting for our parents. I just hope Okaa-san does not tackle me when they get home (she acts so simillarly to Yukiko. even with how frightening they are). We then heard a doorbell, Jack rushed towards the door to greet our parents. "Okaeri- huh?" Jack questioned. Karin and I rushed to the door to see why he stopped mid-sentence. When we got there, we realized that it was not our parents, but they looked like agents instead.

"Are you Jack Jones, Arian Jones, and Karin Jones?" They asked the three of us. "Hai" we responded. "We are sorry to tell you this but," they explained the death of our parents. I was completely shocked, I could tell that my two other siblings were in the same position I was in. "Our condolonces to your family. It will be left up to you three what you decide to do with the fortune your parents have left you. We know you are all underaged, but Miss Arian and Miss Karin, you two are highly regarded for your skills. If you need any help, please just contact us" They told us. They wrote the number of their agency on a peice of paper and handed it to us. I took the paper and responded "Hai, wakarimashita. Arigatou" I said as they left. I may be the younger twin, but I tend to act more mature than Karin is. I pull my shell-shocked siblings into the living room and got them some water from the kitchen.

I got my computer and brought it in the living room. I started edititing the biography of my parents, my dad told me that it is best to be prepared for the worst, so this is what he suggested, a biography for all of us, separately. I also started computing the costs of things like if we were to keep our houses, taxes, how long can we afford keeping our houses while not working, if there is enough for keeping our parents' bussiness company, and simillar things. "Ari-chan, what is your plan?" Karin asked me. "Well, we can keep only up to three houses with what we have, so we will definately keep our house in Beika. We will have to decide 1 or 2 other houses to keep. We will not be able to keep Otou-san and Okaa-san's bussiness, so we have two options. But our best option is to sell it." I started explaining. After the explanation, we all started talking about the possible worth of our parents' bussiness, how we would divide it among each other. And so on. We agreed to keep this mansion, the one in Beika, and our small family house in Canada. I left the room to tell Marisa, Yume, Koharu, Kazuku, and Subaru the news. I knew that they would lose their jobs because of this, so the least I can do is give them all some lists of people looking to hire a few maids and/or buttlers.

    When I entered the kitchen, the 5 of them were all chatting with each other. Yume noticed me in the room. "Ari-chan, what are you doing in here? Shouldn't you be with your family right now?" She asked me, making everyones attention go towards me. "Yes, I agree with my sister for once. Should you not be with your mother and father?" Marisa said. "Actually about that, I am sorry. I made you all these lists to look for new jobs" I said as I handed them each a list. "Wait, why? Are you firing us?" Yume asked shocked looking over the paper, and piching herself to make sure that this is not a dream. "I am sorry to tell you but, my parents are not going to return. We do not have enough money to keep staff. I thought this was the least I could do for all of you. I also prepared all of your checks for this month with 2000 bonus." I told them sadly. "Daijoubu Ari-chan. Arigatou for giving us the list. And condolences for your parents" Marisa, Yume's older sister, and the head maid here, said to me. "Yeah, you might be accustomed to being around so much death but, losing your own family is a completely different thing, right?" Kazuku said. I nodded sadly.

The next day, the five of them left

Before then I always trusted anyone immediatly but now I just act like that so no one would find out. I also dreamt about the things I regret like me and my childhood friend, Eathan Sendou being poisoned that turned us into Ara Edogawa (Conan's older sister) and Aichi Sendou, the moonlight sonata case, and a bunch of other things.

POV Kaito
    I was dreaming about my dad's death calling him hoping he would come back while I was just crying there unable to do anything. Watching the place and my father die right before my eyes reliving a nightmare.

POV Jack
    I was dreaming about my parent's death how Clara-oneesan, Maliya-oneesan and I reacted when we heard the news about our parents. And they always cheered me and theirselves up but I could see they were really sad behind that bright smile. And 1 year later Maliya-oneesan died in the avalance. Clara-oneesan was really sad but she did her best to hide it from everyone including me even if she smiled so brightly on stage and everywhere only those really close to her could see she was really suffering on the inside and I couldn't do anything as her younger brother to help her. It's all a nightmare.

POV Third Person
    They were all tossing and turning all having nightmares. They all woke up sweating, panting and crying but arian had fallen of her bed when she woke up face first which was normal to her.

Sorry this was not part of the original story I just had to add it because I had to somehow explain Arian's past so I am really sorry if this was bad. Oh yeah I only said critical information about her past so this is not all of it so again sorry if bad. I decided to make this chapter only a couple days ago but I swear the next one is a real original chapter. Again sorry if this chapter was bad.

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