Chapter 14

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POV Heichiro Hatto
   We met up with them and now on our way to Yabu to eat. "Damn why did I make a bet with her" I complained to myself

  I was talking with Jones over the phone about cases an' stuff like that. I then suddenly had an idea.

Me: Oi, I just got an idea
Jones: And what is that?
Me: Since Me an' Heiji are comin' over, why not have a little bet between us. An' don't worry about it 'cause its super simple
Jones: So what is the bet?
Me: Whoever runs into more cases starting tomorrow (this call was made last saturday. today is a sunday) and solves more casses will win the bet and the loser will have to treat everyone out next sunday
Jones: Umm... Sure then
Me: See ya
Jones: Yeah bye

~Flashback ends~

"Well, we are here" Jones said. We entered and took our seats. There were very few people around.

POV Arian
"Ne, so who are you *Hattori and Hatto point at Jack and Kaito*" Hattori-kun and Hatto asks pointing at Jack. "Ah! Oh yeah I did not introduce you yet" I said. "Anyways-" Kaito cut me off "My name is Kuroba, Kaito" Kaito introduced himself. "And *points at Jack and looks towards him* he is my outoto (younger brother)" I said. "Hi, my name is Jones, Jack. It is nice to meet you" Jack greeted with a small smile. Truth is, Jack is actually very formal. He just does his best to make it seem his personality is very informal when being a phantom theif, even if he is only wearing his Kaitou Joker outfit to make sure they do not find out he is actually Prince Jack of Pripara and Danpri nor being the outoto of a famous detective and idol. (A/N. Arian is actually not only a famous detective but also an idol. She is the queen of pripara because of becoming a divine idol with her team SMILE SolaMi but since she is an idol in pripara she changes her apperance and has an idol name. Her idol name is Clara. I do not know how to describe her hairstyle so I will just tell you her hair is red and it is in pigtails but the ends are what I can not explain).

~Time skip~

POV Arian
   We finished eating or food which was super good. Not to mention, Hattori and Hatto said a while ago "This may not be wha' real ramen tastes like but I admit it is good". We all got up from the table a while ago and are walking to the house but Hattori and Hatto have not realized it yet. "Ok so, do we go now?" Hattori asked "Uh, no its still pretty early. Tha' meetin' is still 1:30 and its only 12:00 and I  am pretty full from tha' food we just ate. So no deesert for me" Heichiro said. "We are heading to my house" I told them. "Because there is something we have to tell you before we go to the meeting. Even if we are going to reveal it during the meeting we want to tell it to you two first" I told them seriously my back facing them while we continued walking towards the direction of my house.

POV Aichi
   "So I guess they are going to tell Heiji and Heichiro about  them being phantom theives and their reason before we meet with the FBI, CIA and some PSB agents later. (A/N I know that officially FBI and CIA are investigating illegally, but in my fanfic they are doing this legally but they have to keep it a secret from the local police and only work with the PSB. They also have to act like they are ilegally investigating to not get the normal police's attention) This is probably the best because knowing their head-strong personalities, it would be better for them to know ahead of time" I thought knowing those two if they found out the same time as the FBI and CIA well, they would just be booming at them with questions.

~Time skip~

POV Jack
    We finally arrived at the house. "I guess we are going to reveal our identities to them first"  I thought since we are going to the house first.

POV Spade
       "*turns to Hachi* Ne, Hachi do you know where they went?" I asked Hachi since he probably knows. "Honestly, I have no idea where they went. Mr.Joker has not really told me that much about Camille and Kid-san, their connection or their plans

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