Chapter 25

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POV Aichi
   Me and Miwa-san finally finished our cardfight. We had a best out of 6and I won 4 times. "Ne Onii-san, why were you late today?" Kamui asked me. "Sorry Kamui. I had to meet with some friends today" I replied. "But I thought that you didn't have any friends, aside from Ara,  before you met us" Morikawa said confused but in a tone that souned like a question. "Well, that is true. But it only applies regarding Aichi's friends in Japan" Emi said while thinking. "In Japan?" Everyone, aside from me and Emi, asked intently. Incuding Kai. "Wait, so Aichi and Ara never told you guys?" Emi asked. "Yeah. The two of us never saw any reason to tell them, and *Look to the ground with a small sad smile* Ara still hasn't changed from back then" I replied. "Anyways, *looks back at everyone* it's getting late already so why don't we go home" I said. It was almost time for Ari-chan, Kai (Kaito) and Jack-kun's heist. I may not be able to go there myself, but I can always watch it live from my cellphone or tv later when I get home. I can also watch it with okaa-san later, after Emi falls asleep

POV Third Person
   Everyone glanced at the clock and realised that what Aichi was correct. It was 3 minutes until the store was to be closed so they all stood up and went home. Aichi, Kamui, Miwa and Emi were walking around when Kamui started up a conversation that they all were intrested in. They talked until they had to split up. Aichi and Emi finally got home and opened the door. The two of them said "Tadaima (I am home)" and Shizuka greeted them with a smile "Okairi (Welcome home)". They all sat doen and ate dinner. "Alright, I'm done eating already Okaa-san. I can do my dishes" Emi said. "Oh, no need dear. I'll do all the dishes tonight so just leave them at the sink" She replied. "Alright, I'll head straight to bed afterwards. Oyasumi Okaa-san, Aichi" She finished. "Oyasumi" Aichi and Shizuka said. After that, Emi went upstairs and turned off her lights then went to bed. When Aichi and Shizuka heard her turn off her lights Aichi turned to his mom and said, "Arigato Okaa-san (Thanks mom)".  "No need to thank me. Now then, shall we watch their heist Ei-kun?" Shizuka asked her son with amusement. "Yeah sure" he replied. Aichi sat on the couch with a bowl of popcorn in hand and switched on the television. He turned it to the news channel so he can start before the heist starts.

POV Camille
   I was walking towards the location of the heist with my gadgets with me. I would be seeing the others later. The route that I am currently taking is pretty much deserted during this hour. But during the day, it has an average amount of people here. And when I was younger, both as Ara and Arian, I would walk along this road but for different reasons. As Arian, I would walk along this road to go back home from somewhere. Meanwhile, as Ara, I would be walking down this route to go to hakase's place or meet up with all of the Detective Kids. The real kids; Ami, Gen and Mistu. As for the shrunken teens back then,there was; me, Aichi and Ahiba.... "*sigh* *small sad smile* Of all the times to think of that incident". I glance at my watch and see the time. "I can always think about that later, but right now I have to get to the heist" I told myself as I start to run to the location. I try not to run too fast because Haibara told me a while ago, back when I picked up some of the new gadgets for the heist, that the more I tire myself out, the less time I will have until I become Ara Edogawa. So I can not exert myself too much.

~Time Skip~

POV Third Person
   30 minutes before the heist is to begin, Camille arrived and decided to go to the rooftop. Once she got up there, she leaned on the side rail to let her hair sway in the wind. Although, her hair was in her hat so only a portion of her hair could be seen. She closed her eyes and said "You guys, just come out 'cause I know you're there" she said. After she said that, 9 people and 1 talking dog came out of their hiding places. "Darn, and I thought I could probably startle you all with my grand entrance later" Kid whined. "There were more of us here?" Queen asked to no one in particular because she thought it was only her and Roko here. "Yeah. All of you were already here by the time I arrived" Camille answered. "Camille-san, how did you know that we were all here when we were hiding?" Dark Eye asked curiously. "Well, all of the spots you guys decided to hide in were obvious hiding places" Camille responded. "How were any of those places obvious?" Shadow asked quietly. "Well, minus Kid's hiding spot, if I was looking for a criminal in hiding, the places all of you hid in were the best places to hide in. Aside from that, movement can be heard from those directions and no matter how quietly you try to talk, it will always be heard within a certain range" She responded. "So that's why you walked towards the rail" Silver Heart remarked since he realised what she was implying when she said 'certain range'.  "Oh by the  way Kid, do you know what happened to Hakuba, Saguru?" Camille asked. "Fever" Kid quickly responded . Afraid because of what happens when you get her mad. And that is exactly what he did to her. "Anyways, it's time to start a few thing so I got to go. See you later" And with that, a smoke screen covered the roof. Once it cleared, Camille was no longer anywhere to be seen. "Well, Camille's got a point, so see you all later" Kid said and disappeared.

~Time Skip~ brought to you by a shrunken Japan (Honda, Kiku)

POV Third Person
   "EVERYONE GET IN POSITION. THE PHANTOM THEIVES COULD ARRIVE AT ANY MINUTE NOW" Nakamori-keibu shouted, as it was almost time for the heist. The seconds left when the countdown started.
"TEN" All guards run into position
"NINE" Joker, Queen, Spade, Hachi, Roko and Dark Eye get into position
"EIGHT" The guards become more alert
"SEVEN" All the Phantom Theives with assistants prepare the final details of their plan
"SIX" Nakamori-keibu is more tensed
"FIVE" The crowd starts counting down louder
"FOUR" Silver Heart made sure his plan was solid
"THREE" Camille and Kid separately finished their final touches
"TWO" All Phantom Theives are in their own position
"ONE" The crowd finishes and suddenly, a black out happens

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