Chapter 17

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POV Heichiro
"N-N-N-NANI??!! What the hell is going on?! First, Jones is actually a theif and two, HER LITTLE BROTHER is a theif as well." I was completely shocked that Jones and her little brother were theives. I mean seriously Jones is a detective for crying out loud A DAMNING DETECTIVE! I was stil screeming in my head.

POV Third Person
"Well,time to shoot questions at 'em" Heiji and Heichiro thought and were about to scream at them but before they could. "*holds hand infront/ does the stop motion* Do not ask the questions yet." Arian told them a little iritated because she saw they were about to shout the questions at her.

POV Conan
"Thank goodness Arian-senpai had stopped them from screaming. It would have been too loud for anyones liking" I thought happy that Arian-senpai stopped them from shouting.

POV Jack
"POOF" some smoke came and we saw Arian-oneesan was no longer in her phantom theif outfit but rather her usual outfit she wore it most of the time before the time she befame involved with the BO. "Anyways we should sit down first because this will be a lot of explaining to do" Onee-san said. "Oh, and you two can change back if you want to." she told us glancing at us so we both changed.

POV Aichi
After Kaito and Jack got changed they sat next to Ari-chan. "So...... where should we start?" Ari-chan thought out loud."How's 'bout tellin' us since when were ya a theif an why ya guys do it?" Heichiro suggested to Ari-chan because it will be the first time she has to explain this to someone that does not know about the 'incidents' back years ago.

POV Third Person
"Why is Ari-senpai/Oneesan struggling? Shouldn't she just start with the death of Oyaji/Toichi-ojisan?" Kaito and Jack thought at the same time. "Ne Onee-san, is something wrong? Should we not start with the 'incident 8 years ago' first?" Jack asked his sister. "Well Jack, you forgot something important" Arian replied to her brother "Which is?" Jack followed up a question. "That they never met Ojii-san and they do not know 'them' aswell. And there is something that I actually have not told anyone but I am going to tell you now" Arian answered Jack

POV Conan
"Something she never told us? What could that be?" I wondered because it is not like Arian-senpai to keep a lot of secrets unless it is neccessary.

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