Chapter 23

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POV Arian
   "Would you mind introducing yourselves first" a PSB agent asked in a stern voice. I turned to James-san and ask "Is everyone present?" "Yes, although...." "Oh, if it is about 'him' he already knows" I had cut off his response since I knew it was about Akai-san. "Alright. Everyone, this meeting is officially commencing." James-san announced. "Hai (yes)"  everyone responded. "Anyways we should all introduce ourselves first, seeing that there are unfamilliar faces here" Amuro-san, or rather Furuya Rei-san said. "Ah (Yeah), I think it would be best to know who we are working with first" responded one of the FBI agents that did not know about the secret, so he was observing us carefully. The four of us (the shrunken people) and the ones present when we revealed our identities agreed that it would stay a secret among us until the next meeting where we would reveal it to all the other agents that were in Japan and the PSB. They knew who Conan, Haibara, Aichi and Ara were, but they only knew me as my shrunken form but I was in my real form now so they did not trust me and to add to the fact that none of them know Jack amd Kaito. And I was still wearing a cap that kept my face from being seen so it made me look suspicious. "Alright then. As you all know, I am Black, James. Pleasure to work with you" "I am Starling, Jodie" "I am Camel, Andre" and the rest of the FBI introduce themselves. "We are the FBI agents. It is a pleasure to be working with you" Jodie-san ended. "I am Hondou, Hidemi" and the rest of the CIA introduce themselves. "We are the members of the CIA. Pleasure to work with you all" Hondou-san finished. "Boku wa Furuya, Rei desu (I am Rei Furuya)" and all the other PSB members introduce theirselves. "We are the PSB. Pleasure to be working with all of you" Furuya-san finished stressing the word 'all'. "And if I may ask, just who are you people?" An agent asked with a daring voice. "We had allowed them here because of their importance in the 'situation' at hand" James-san and Hondou-san stated. "Well, I know Conan, Ai, Aichi, Heiji-san and Heichiro-san, but as for who the others are, I do not know them." Rei-san stated. "LIAR! 😡 You know very well who I am. You even snuck into my house to get information one me before. And you even suspected me as Ara how many times"  I screamed internally. I may normally be a calm person, but on the week of my birthday, I tend to get annoued very easily. "Alright I think it is time to introduce yourselves" Hondou-san said emphasizing the word 'yourselves'. "Wakatta (understood)" the eight of us replied to her. "Boku wa Kuroba, Kaito" Ore wa Hattori, Heiji" "Atashi wa Hatto, Heichiro" "Ore wa Jonzu, Jack" The four started. "Now time fo da more shockin ones" Hatto mumbled under her breath.

POV Third Person
   Unfortunately, everyone in the room still heard Heichiro. "Socking ones?" Asked one agent. "You'll understand wen dey tell ya" Heiji said. "Watashi wa Jonzu, Arian. Also known as Edogawa, Ara" Arian decided to just get on with it because they were wasting time. "Ore wa Kudou, Shinichi. Otherwise known as Edogawa, Conan" "Boku wa Sendou, Eathan. Also known as Sendou Aichi" "Watashi wa Miyano, Shiho. Codename; Sherry. More commonly known as Haibara, Ai" The four of them finished. And basically, the meeting went as they expected. They just explained everything they had explained before to the other agents that already knew. Then, the phantom theives revealed their identities and discussed their reasons and stuff. They then went on to plans and so on so forth.

~Time Skip~ (brought to you by a lazy person that needs to shorten this)

POV Third Person
   The meeting was soon over and they all parted ways with the other agents. They all went to the interscection where they split up. "Alright, bye guys. I have to head to Card Capital now" Aichi said as he left. "We need ta go to da airport now ta get ta Osaka so, see ya next time" Heiji and Heichiro said as they left. "Are you doing anything Conan?" Jack asked. " Yeah. *sigh* The me and the others are going to watch the new Kamen Yaiba movie at the cinema" Conan said in a deadpaned tone. "*rests hand on Conan's shoulder* don't worry, you are not the only person that has to deal with that" Arian said in a reassuring tone. "Bye" Ai said as she and Conan left. "Well, the three of us should get going now. *glares at Kaito* And do not dare think that I will have mercy on you" Arian finished. Kaito gulped at that with an expression that clearly shows he is scared. So now the three of them are heading to the Sky Joker.

POV Jack
   On the way we were all talking with each other when Onee-san brought up something that she told me was important. "Oh right I almost forgot to mention. Jack, your entrance exam for Jumonji Academy is going to be tomorrow at 6:30 am" Onee-san said. "Why so early?" I asked. "Blame the school for whatever reason they have, not me, I have no idea" (A/N Me when it is related to school) Onee-san responded. "But on the bright side, I can accompany you going there and you'll be starting tomorrow if you pass" Onee-san finished smiling slightly. I am just happy that I can spend time with Onee-san even if she will be in her shrunken form. And we just continued on towards the Sky Joker.

~Time Skip~

POV Third Person
   The three of them finally got to the spot directly below the Sky Joker. They all changed into their Phantom Theif outfits and went in. They walked into the living room to see people conversing each other and they all did not seem to notice the 3 that just walked in yet. "Ne Joker, *points to Shadow Joker and Rose* dare da (Say Joker, who are they)?" Camille asked Joker. That seemed to get everyone's attention. "SHADOW WHEN DID YOU GET HERE!?" Joker exclaimed. "I got here after you left. So, *points towards Kid and Camille* are those two the ones you mentioned?" Shadow replied to Joker then asked. "Yeah" Silver Heart, Queen, Spade, Dark Eye and Hachi responded.

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