Chapter 2

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Derek had waited three days to hear news of Stiles. Had he woken up? Had he died? Derek didn't know, and this not knowing was driving him up the walls. All Derek cared about in the long haul was Stiles, and the possibility of saving him was a chance he had to take. Still, the idea that Derek could be the reason Stiles died seemed to tear at his soul. It slowly vaporized him second by second until it was to much.
"That's it." He said out loud even though he was completely alone."I'm going back to the hospital." He grabbed his things and got into his black mustang. When he arrived at the hospital he did the same as last time.
"Hi, uh... I'm here to see Mr.Stilinski.." He managed to utter. He was so close to knowing. And the alternative terrified him. The notion that Stiles might not be here anymore made him a wreck. His palms were drenched and so was his shirt. He could think straight and ever time he could manage to breathe it was short and made his rib cage shake with anxiety.
"He's in ICU still. Mr.Thompson, right?" The nurse replied. A wave of relief rushed over Derek. Stiles was alive, but this nurse was acting weird. She seems oddly intrigued with Derek. Her red, curly hair tied back in a ponytail sat on her shoulder. She's trying to be mysterious he assumed. Girls have tried weirder. And the way she kept eying him, like any moment she was ready to rip off her clothes and tell him to take her, it made him uncomfortable.
"Yeah, thank you miss." Derek replied awkwardly. Then he walked to Stiles' room. When he got there he at least expected him to be sitting up, talking to people, but astounding he was still lying there motionless except for his breathe. Deep in slumber. Derek's heart sank. He sat down and started to cry.
"I'm so sorry. If I would have thought this through I would have just waited to see when woke up. If you would wake up, but I was impatient. I needed to fix things, and now at any moment you could die." Derek slipped into hysteria. His body shook violently as he cried. He never wanted this. He never wanted to hurt Stiles. As Derek got up to leave he heard just the slightest bit of a whisper in Stiles' direction. A sound to quiet for humans to here.
"Derek." Stiles' whispered almost inaudibly even for Derek.
"Stiles!" Derek shot out. He grabbed Stiles by the arms and shook him just a little bit."Stiles! Wake up. Please, wake up!" As Derek did this Stiles' nose started to bleed, but it wasn't blood. It was a black substance that could only mean one thing. Stiles was dying. Derek's started to freak out.
"Nurse! Nurse!" Derek screamed. "Somebody help him!" Derek howled, but nobody seemed to be on their way. And all it did was get worse. The black substance gushed out of his ears, nose, and mouth. He started to seizure. If Derek didn't do something now, Stiles was a goner. So, Derek did the only thing he could think of. He kissed Stiles. He kissed Stiles like he had never kissed anyone. He poured his soul into Stiles hoping that the cliche about true loves kiss had some meaning. And it did, because at that moment Derek fainted too.


Stiles didn't know where he was, but it was weird. The room he stood in was vast and white. Lights bored down from the ceiling, spreading oppression like Halloween candy. Stiles himself was even wearing white. The floors so polished that it reflected the lights perfectly, almost blinding him. The only thing that wasn't white was a tree stump on the other side of the room. It was about ten feet in diameter and stood about three feet tall. It was a dark brown and had spread some dirt onto the otherwise perfect floor. Stiles was barefoot and had been trying to reach the stump for about half an hour now, but the room was like a never ending hallway. For ever step Stiles took the room seemed to grow in response.
Also, there was something about that tree stump. Something he couldn't quite put his finger on. He almost remembered what it was called, Deaton had mentioned. The nevthon. He thought. Maybe. He wasn't sure, but all he knew was he needed to get there. He racked his brain on how he could make it over there, meanwhile black liquid started to ooze from the lights. It dropped on his face and on his clothes tainting their purity. He decided that he needed to make one final run for it.
He dashed toward the stump, and this time the ground did not grow, this time he was approaching it. With his luck though the black liquid started to beat down on him like Hurricane Katrina. He was almost there! The liquid had not touched the tree at all. It didn't even rain above the tree. He was approaching it fast, but he was running uncontrollable and he slipped in the black liquid. When he hit the floor the room started to shake as if it sat on top of an active fault line. The lights started to fall and Stiles was scared.
He did the only thing he could think of and that was scream for help. And the person he screamed for surprised even him,"Derek!" The light continued to fall all around him and the floor started to split open. This was the end. The light right above him started to fall and all Stiles did was cringe, but it never did hit him.
When Stiles opened his eyes out of curiosity, he saw Derek standing above him in the same exact clothes as him the fallen light fixture resting on his shoulders. A simple t-shirt covered his muscular chest and scrub-like pants covered his lower half. They were exactly the same except Derek's were obviously made black. Derek tossed the light aside and help Stiles up.
"You're safe now." Derek finished the trek to the tree stump carrying Stiles in his arms. When they made it to the tree Derek set Stiles down and sat down himself. Then they closed there eyes and kisses each other.
Fire erupted through Stiles' body. He wanted Derek desperately. When they opened their eyes. They were lying next each other in a hospital bed.

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