Chapter 6

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Stiles woke up in the middle of the night drenched it sweat. This he found quite strange because he was only wearing underwear, and small underwear at that. The ones we was wearing Derek had bought earlier when he went to the store to pick up food. They had decided that they were going to get Stiles' stuff tomorrow.

It wasn't the sweat that bugged him the most though; it was his dream. The dream stuck with Stiles. All he could remember was the girl's face. She had jet black hair stiff and straight like Derek's. Her brown eyes reminded Stiles of molten earth, dark and strong. Red slipped it's way in and out of the broken earth. She was an alpha. She had high cheek bones and soft curved lips. Just like Derek's they curved slightly down at the corners. Like nothing really satisfied her.


That was her name. That's all he knew other than her face.

"Babe," Stiles whispered as he nudged Derek's shoulder. Derek was probably the cutest when he slept. He stopped worrying so his face relaxed and he even smiled in his sleep sometimes. It didn't hurt anything that he slept in the nude either. "Babe," Stiles whispered again.

Derek's eyes fluttered open,"Yeah?" He questioned, still in the clutches of a beast named sleep.

"Do you know a girl named Cora-" At that that Derek shot up. His face suddenly covered in a cold sweat and his chest bouncing up and down with his anxious breath."How do you know that name?" He asked franticly.

"I had a dream about her just now and it's bothering me." Stiles explained the dream and the gut feeling he had.

"She's been dead since the fire." Derek began to sob. Stiles rubbed the small of Derek's back. He traced up Derek's spine and down the straining muscles, acquainting himself with Derek's lower end. He laid his head on Derek's shoulder and hummed a song he had never heard before. It was a soft sound, ancient in tone. It was almost trance inducing. The way the song slipped up and down slowly lulled Derek back to sleep. After he was asleep Stiles got and put on pajama pants grabbed his phone and went into the living room to make a call.



About an hour later Lydia showed up at the loft. Being a banshee, Stiles thought she was the one person who could really help him in this situation. Stiles was kind of shocked though. He had never seen her like this, her hair was up in a messy flash fire bun. She wore no make-up and she was in her pajamas.

"What do you want Stiles?" The way she said it sound more like murder accusations than a question.

"I need to know if someone is dead, and if their alive, where they might be." Stiles explained warily. He was exhausted for some reason. His legs shook a little, and his body kept trying to wean towards sleep. He was starting to feel like he deserved the murder accusation.

"Can't this wait till tomorrow?" Lydia complained. As she started to become conscious she looked around."Why are you at Derek's?" The look on her face was one of protective fury. Stiles didn't have any siblings, but if anyone was family it was Lydia. The banshee standing in front of him was been a sister to him since he was about six. When his mom died Lydia was there to coax him out of bed and cheer him up. Though now she was infuriated.

"Lydia, it's not what you think!" Stiles shot out franticly."Derek and I are mates. We are great. Things are going a little fast, but he treats me good." Stiles eyes flashed bright red for a second.

"You're a werewolf!" She shouted. She started to march toward the staircase, violence thick around her.

"Lydia." Stiles started. She ignored him."Stop Lydia." He warned.

"Stay out of it Stiles. I need to protect you." She was almost to the staircase when Stiles stepped in front of her.

His eye were glowing crimson red as his whole presence emanated power. "Stay away from my mate." He growled protectively.

Lydia instantly obeyed, almost as if she didn't have a choice. She looked at Stiles and commented,"How did you do that?"

"I don't know, but can we get on with what I had asked?" Stiles was irritated at this point. Deaton had mentioned how Pack Mothers could give undefinable orders to the pack, he didn't want that kind of power, but apparently the universe just doesn't listen. "Wait," Stiles thought."Does this mean Lydia's a member of the pack?"

"Yeah, I guess." She retorted the same Lydia like attitude she had back when her and Stiles were twelve."So where are we going to start?" Lydia sat down on the couch, and put her hands on the coffee table.

"Stiles-" She started as if searching with her voice, calling out to him."Stiles- you don't know me, but I have been watching you. I cannot reveal to my brother that I am alive until he is wed, as rule of the Nebaton. If I do, all having to do with the situation will perish terribly. I am warning you, do not tell him. The knowledge will drive him wild, literally." Lydia collapsed on the couch, her bun falling out and casting her fire red hair across the seats. Stiles rushed over to her and lifted her head up.

"Wake up," He shouted."Wake up, please!" She laid limp in his arms. The song started to coerce it's way out if him, and with out choice he started humming. This time it was different, slightly less soft, slightly less of a question, more of a demand. Lydia's eyes snapped open. She was part of the pack, he was sure of that now.

"What happened?" She asked slightly fuzzy.

"Cora talked through you, I don't know how, but she did." Stiles explained.

"Did you get what you wanted?" Lydia accused again.

"Yeah, thanks Sis. You even helped me decide what I'm getting Derek for his wedding gift." Stiles smiled. "You can crash here tonight, pillows and blankets are in the closet behind the staircase. Goodnight and thanks so much." He patted her leg, kissed her forehead and went back up to bed.

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