Chapter 32

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She sat across the table from him. Her red hair pulled back in a tight ponytail. "Stiles, This is Lydia." Stiles' mom said from the other side of the kitchen. "She moved in next door, and she's in your grade!" She clapped her hands in excitement.

She held her doll out to Stiles. "Her name is Katie."

Stiles smiled awkwardly. He didn't know how to react. He had never interacted with their neighbors. The old ones were really old. The woman would pinch his cheeks and her husband was kind of a grump.

"Katie says hi!" Lydia uttered nervously from across the table.

"Hi Katie..." Stiles replied awkwardly. He didn't know why his mom made him do this, but he hated it. It made his chest hurt and his body shake. his breath would pump in and out vigorously without his control. His teacher always said he had a big vocabulary.

"Do you like monsters?"



The image faded in and out if focus. memories of his past with his bestfriend. He could here the screams of the others in the room.

His name seemed to be the object of the murmurs. Why did no one care that Lydia was dead? His vision faded in and out of focus. He saw a flash of red hair, a glint of green eyes, even the heard the soft time to her voice.

"Lydia...?" Stiles called out as he reached for her. The falling sensation came back and he slipped into another memory without control of his mind.



His heart sat on the ground next his bed. Metaphorically anyway. Everything in Stiles burned with the slightest movement so all he could bring himself to do way lie there. His mother was dead. The illness took her and now she was gone.

Stiles wasn't sure how, but this was his fault and he knew it. If he had just done something different. If he had just taken better care of her she'd still be here.

"Why am I so stupid?" Stiles howled at the top of. His lungs as he broke into a sob so violent it caused his bed to put holes in the wall.

"I often as myself the same question." He heard her sarcastic answer from the doorway. She giggled, "About you of course."

He looked up at her and she smiled, but inside of him a raged boiled strong enough to erupt in flames. "Now is not the time for your fucking jokes, Lydia." He snapped aggressively.

"Hey, now sourpuss. It's been almost a month and I'm worried about you." She sat on his bed next to him and began to trace his prepubescent body. They were both fourteen, but Stiles hadn't started puberty like all his other class mates. He was scrawny, small and reminded of it every day. "Get out of bed. We are going to Scott's."

"I'm not getting up." He fought he demand, but in the end she won out. He showered and put on clean clothes. That was the first day in a while that he felt alright again.



His head spun as he came up from the memory. He still couldn't focus his vision, but his hearing seemed to be intact.

He could never have been happier that he wasn't a deaf person, because as he started to listen to the murmurs around him he heard her voice.

"Stiles, get up." She pleaded. "Stiles, please wake up." She shook his body physically, but the more effective shaking was her voice against his heart.

His vision instantaneously focused and sitting above him was Lydia and Derek. Stiles shot up and wrapped his arms around her.

"I thought you were dead!" Stiles screamed as he began to sob.

"Is that what the Nogitsune showed you?" She asked puzzled.

"Yes," Stiles managed through tears. A second later Stiles realized he heard Kaden crying. "Where's my baby?" He asked frantically.

Lydia began to explain. "We can't seem to get him out if this field if protection. It's a strong one. Deaton's working on it though."

"The oracle said something about a mother's heir." Derek suggested hopelessly.

Stiles got up and walked to his son. He reached for him and met a barrier that instead of just easily warding him off, fought for its hold on his child. Stiles work against the field and pushed through in a matter of second. As he stood up with their baby Derek came up behind him and slipped his arms around Stiles. God did he love his family.

Stiles bounced Kaden up and down just a little bit, "It's all going to be ok." He cooed to his son. "It's all going to be ok."

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