Chapter 4

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As they walked into the building hands interlocked he felt the Celtic Knot sear itself into the back of his palm. The sign of mates. Derek knew what this meant and it was something he had been waiting for for over a year. He remembers it like was yesterday.

Peter had been running rampant as the reigning alpha. Turning people and murdering innocence. All he cared about was power and that disgusted Derek. A newly turned sophomore had figured out he was a werewolf. Scott McCall had shabby brown hair, deep brown eyes with a golden yellow inlay like most betas do and a jaw that though profound and kind of attractive was offset.

"What's going on Derek?" McCall demanded. Even as a beta Scott's eyes flared brilliant colors when he was upset. Even as a beta Scott demanded respect. Derek kind of liked that.

"We've gone over this. You've been turned into a werewolf by my uncle who is pretty much ransacking town." Derek replied irritable, because this was the third time he had had to explain it. Scott just couldn't seem to process that Derek was completely serious.

"Can you come over and give me details about the whole WW thing?" Scott tried to seem sly, but Derek had seen right through it. Scott was hitting on Derek, and just like when anyone else did it, it made Derek feel really awkward. Derek knew that werewolves were meant to be with their mates and only their mates. Still all he could think was boys will be boys.

"Yeah, I think I could make it." Derek replied with a devious smirk. All kind of thoughts rocked themselves in and out of Derek's mind, but he ignored them. He was getting laid tonight!

Later that day Derek arrived at Scott's house and knocked on the door.

Mrs.McCall answered,"Hello. Somethin' you need?" she was in her hospital scrubs and crocks. Her black hair was tied back in a ponytail, that looked like a waterfall of curls.

With her brown eyes locked on him. He replied, while leaning onto the doorway,"Is Scott home?" He flashed a smile to try and ease her mind.

"He's upstairs. You may go right up." She answered ushering him in.

Scott's house was a cozy one, like one of those houses you'd call 'a humble abode'. It had a warm color pallet full of tans and brown and soft blacks. At the bass of the stairs was an indent in the floor, probably from a family event or something. Even that added character to the house though. It was beautiful.

As Derek climbed the stairs he heard slight moaning from a room to his upper left. Derek knew where he was going. When he reached the door he knocked like Scott told him to. Three, two, three. Then he walked in. Laying on the bed was Scott McCall sitting on his ass spread eagle. He was completely naked and rubbing his hand up and down his rock hard cock, moaning just low enough to drive Derek wild.

Just the sight of this made Derek rock hard, and all he wanted to do was sink his cock into McCall's tight little ass.

Scott got up,"You like what you see,Derek." He walked over to Derek and kissed him,"You want to participate? Or just watch?" When he said this he picked Derek up by the legs and carried him to the back wall. Pinning him there Scott held Derek up and slowly started to grind his rock hard cock on Derek's ass. Derek had never bottomed before, but was willing to try.

"Scott." Derek moaned. His hand squeezing Derek's back. Scot just continued to dry fuck Derek's ass. Derek continued to moan, but in the heat of this moment neither of them realized the door had opened and that Stiles was standing in the doorway, his jaw sitting on the floor.

"Uh-heh." Stiles cleared his throat. Both Scott and Derek jumped at the sound and scrambled to look decent. Scott threw on pants and Derek pulled his up a bit,"You two havin' fun?" Stiles asked sounding kind of amused. Derek look up at Stiles embarrassed, but not expecting what would have happened. When his eyes met Stiles his heart stopped, the whole world started to spin and the Celtic Knot intruded into his vision. Stiles a slightly quirky, very thin, nerdy, but entirely attractive young high schooler was his mate..

That was where they started, but where they were going was a mystery, at least it was to Derek. Until, they walk into Deaton's office and he gave them a piece of news they would never expect.



His mind was racing, he could believe he was a werewolf and he couldn't believe that Derek had a thing for him. That he had thins for Derek! He had openly "hated" Derek ever since he caught Derek and Scott in Scott's room just under two years ago. This was all so foreign to him, but by the time he resurfaced from his thoughts him, Derek, and Deaton were sitting in Deaton's office telling him about the events of today.

"And then I slipped into a trance with him." Derek finished telling the story so that Stiles could rest.

"Wait you what?" Deaton asked very intrigued. Deaton was a wise man, being an emissary he knew a ton about werewolves and the supernatural world. The lights shines on his bald scalp and his brown eyes hid a broken kind of wisdom that seemed to radiate from his very presence.

"I kissed Stiles and slipped into his comatose dream." Derek explained seemingly nervous, then Derek set his right hand on Deaton's desk.

"As I suspected." Deaton murmured in deep thought."Every werewolf has a mate, right?"

"Yes," Stiles chimed in as of he had first hand knowledge on the subject. Which for some reason he felt like e did. Deep inside Stiles was learning a lot, his genetic code still changing.

"Well, very rarely two werewolves transcend lifetimes as mates. This is not represented with a word, but a Celtic Knot."

Stiles head went spinning. Him and Derek destined from birth. He started to hyperventilate, his anxiety was getting worse. He slowly started to black out, then Derek held his hand and everything felt fine. As long as Derek was with him everything was fine. He knew that now. He belong with Derek. No, he belong to Derek. and he was ok with that. He just knew with everything in him Derek would love him, and take are of him.

"Another thing is when "true mates", we will call them, consecrate the partnership both are alphas. One is just like a regular alpha, the other is a "Pack Mother" I guess you could call it. They can nurture pack member back to health more efficiently than any others and thought pack mother doesn't usually give commands when they do, their word is final. The pack members, other than their mate, have no choice but to listen." Deaton explained to Stiles. Who in return was terrified, was Stiles pack mom? He didn't want to be. Absolute power scared him. Couldn't Derek be pack mom. Could boys even become this whole pack mom thing?

"But I'm obviously not a girl, so I don't have to worry about it, right Deaton?" Stiles pleaded. He wanted nothing more than a simple no, but what he got was even worse.

"Werewolves are..." Deaton struggled to find the right word."different.. True mates can be only be with homosexual couples for some reason. When it is a male and male couple there is a pack mother, but when is a female and female relationship there is a pack father. The thing they can do are mysterious, no one really knows how they turn out, but thy will always be safe together." Stiles couldn't quite comprehend the fact that he could be pack mom, but there was one thing he knew. If he had no choice but to be with Derek for the rest of his life, he wanted to get married. He wanted a beautiful wedding, and he was going to get it.

"I want to get married." He blurted out without thinking. " These Celtic Knot tattoos are nice and all, but I want a ring. If I am yours, you must be mine. You got that Derek Hale?" Stiles demanded.

"Anything for you babe." Derek shouted. Elation spread from his entire body and transcended to Stiles.

And for the second time that day, everything was ok.

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