Chapter 13

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He snapped up in bed, sweat clung itself to his entire body, sticky and thick. The bed was soaked in sweat and empty except for him. He started to freak out. Where was his husband? His mate? Images of the dream hit him. A wolf with shining white eyes running gracefully throughout the forest next to Lydia.

"The Nebaton!" Derek shouted in realization. Derek stopped thinking and let his body take over. He hopped out of the window of his loft and ran for the forest surrounding Beacon Hills, scarred to death something might have happened to his mate.



When Stiles woke up he was lying under the Nebaton. A bed of floral petals lay under him keeping him off of the dirt. The Nebaton's branches seemed to reach for the ground trying to shield his nakedness from the world.

He was puzzled. The last thing he remembered was going to sleep next to Derek in their loft. A rustle sounded off just outside of the clearing.

Stiles slowed his breath and listened to the world around him, concentrating like Derek taught him. He heard breathing. He couldn't tell what it was, but he was terrified. Feet pressed against underbrush, causing the rustling sound. A huff exasperated itself off in the distance. Stile started fall back into a deep sleep, a howl erupted off in the night.


A wolf in sheep's clothing charged its way through the night. Lions would not lie with lambs tonight. Tonight the wolf would win. Tonight the lions feast.

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