Chapter 22

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They filed out of various cars and collected in the parking lot. Stiles ride with Lydia in her car because he couldn't bare the scent of Derek in his own.

"So what are we going to do?" Scott asked Stiles.

"Why are you looking at me?" Stiles exclaimed.

"Well, technically," Scott flashed his alpha eyes as a joke. "You're the alpha." Over the past few months the pack has grown and it surprised Stiles. Not only did they have four alphas in there pack, there were five betas, a kitsune, a banshee,a wendigo, and a werecoyote. The kitsune's name was Kira, she was a thunder kitsune and so could not be hurt by electricity. Lydia, of course, was the banshee, but the things she could do were still much of a mystery. Their wendigo came with Cora; his name is Sean and he liked human flesh until Cora found him and helped him learn to eat animals. Malia was Peter's daughter, which made Stiles nervous around her, and she was a werecoyote.

There used to be a human in their pack, but Allison had died when they had fought off the alpha pack. Nobody like to talk about her. Not even Malia would bring up her name.

"I'm going with Cora to find Derek. Lydia and Ethan are going to get Aiden. Scott and Kira, you guys work well together. There are probably going to be lots of crazy things in there; can you help clear a path into the place?" They both nodded. "I can already hear guards running around the place. Malia and Erica, deal with nurses and doctors both of you have many ways of persuasion and force. Liam, Isaac and Sean, please do what you do best and wreak havoc in the west wing causing an initial distraction." Everyone whispered words of conformation and broke at the end to do their jobs. Lydia, Ethan, Cora, and Stiles waited for the first signal.

The alarms sounded and guards rushed toward the west wing. "Good luck!" Lydia whispered as they ran in opposite directions.

Cora and Stiles snuck in the back entrance and made there way to north wing were Stiles could feel Derek's presence. The ran through hall and his in empty rooms, but inside there were no guards or nurses. This was starting to seem too easy to Stiles. It seemed like the wanted this. Cora and Stiles came to Derek's room and unlocked it. They stepped in and Stiles was instantly happy again. The pain and agony of not knowing if he was ok were drilling into his soul.

Derek's eyes fluttered open at Stiles presence and terror shot through them,"No!" He screamed. "This is what she wants. It's a trap get out of here!" He fought against the strap that Stiles could see were hurting him.

"Let me help you out of them." Stiles demanded. Derek stopped fussing and let Stiles help. As soon as Stiles touched the straps pain shot through his hands. "Wolves Bane." Stiles said under his breathe.

"I know," Derek stated. "A stupid golem tried to tell me it was mountain ash, but that doesn't injury only wards."

The straps came off and Derek began to get up. "You hurt!" Stiles exclaimed horrifically.

"It's just a surface wound." Derek tried to shrug it off. They started to walk down the hall and get out when they heard the beginnings of a struggle.

Heavy, slow footsteps sound from the west wing and the click of pumps approached them fast.

"Finally, I never thought you'd show up." Stiles heard the voice from behind him. It sounded like death itself had a voice. It rang with a morbid eloquence.

Fury poured itself through Stiles replacing every fiber and sense of reason in his being. "And who might you be?" Stiles replied as rocked onto his heels to pivot and look at her.

"Carman's the name, death is the game." She replied he extremely long blonde hair bouncing as she did so. "I am the mother of Banshee's and Wendigo alike. Creatures of death that they are." She smiles a malevolent smile and pressed a button on the wall. "Amphy dear, can you call for a stretcher to Derek Hale's room. We have what we want."

Stiles charged at her, his body fully changed. His claws like spartan weapons drove towards her being, but never hit her. With a quick side step at the last minute she dodged him and then pressed a button in her hand. Smoke started to billow out of the vents and cracks in the walls. It choked Stiles, Derek and Cora. As Stiles blacked out he heard Lydia's blood curtailing scream.



Ethan hit the ground next to her as the smoke erupted from the walls. "Wolves Bane." She mumbled under her breathe. She tried to get Ethan up, but she did so in vain. Ethan was twice her size and packed full of muscle. She had no choice but to leave him, which she hated herself for. She ran for the nearest room hoping to find some kind of electrical prod or prong to shock him awake; what she found she wish she never had.

In the room Aiden was strung up to a metal fence. His face was bashed up. Blood soaked his skin a and jeans and a car batter sat on the table next to the fence. A scream broke through body without her consent. Aiden shook on the fence.

"Lydia," He whispered to her. "Lydia, run."

"Oh, don't listen to him." A voice that sounded oddly familiar rattled on behind her. "I'm not going to hurt you. He's your punishment."

"My punishment?" Lydia asked with a little more attitude than she intended.

The woman walked around her and revealed her face, "For being part of a werewolf pack. For mating with one of them." She spat out the words like they tasted of sewage.

"What's so wrong with that?" Lydia replied with complete disdain.

"He's a werewolf!" The woman screamed as if it we something obvious.

"And so?" Lydia replied quite perplexed. "Who are you anyway?"

"My name is Carman." She started to look bored. "I am the mother of banshee and wendigo alike, yada yada yada." She answered with such annoyance in her voice that it was close to hate.

"And I care why exactly?" Lydia insinuated her boredom with the situation.

"You know what?" She set an apple on the table that wasn't in her hand before. "I'm getting really tired of your mouth. I think I'll just kill you." No sooner had she said that was when Lupa walked through the door. Her red hair sat on her shoulder and her eyes trade colors instinctively. "I wouldn't try that if I were you." She warned Carman.

"And why is that sister?" Carman inquired with disgust.

"Just trust me for once big sis," She giggled. "I wouldn't do that." Lupa ran off into the hallway leaving the to alone again.

"My sister has always been a nuisance." Carman exclaimed erratically. She lifted up her hand and Lydia just started to die. No loss of air or extreme blood loss. Death just started to envelope her. Her vision went black and she whispered her goodbyes when the most picked her up again.

"Carman!" Lydia demanded, but it wasn't quite Lydia. It sounded like a thousand voices rallied behind her. The mist wrapped around Lydia and lifted her hair from her shoulders forming a web or mane. "The Nebaton has claimed this child of your. If you try anything again. You will regret it." Lydia hit the floor with a loud thud. Just as Lydia had gone so did the mist, and Carman.

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