Chapter 19

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When they finally got to the carnival Aiden had almost killed them twice and they still couldn't find a parking space.

"There's one!" Stiles exclaimed just excited that he could get out of the car.

"Calm down Tiger." Derek joked.

Wrong idea, Stiles' head snapped so fast it could have broken, "Who the fuck are you telling to calm down?" Stiles growled.

"I was just joking," Derek said defensively.

Stiles calmed down instantly, "I'm sorry..." He trailed off. "I-I don't know what came over me."

Aiden laughed and taunted,"Are you to love birds coming or are you gonna fight by the car?"

Stiles smiled at Derek, who then replied, "Yeah, we're coming."

Stiles walked with Derek up to the clerk to get there entrance bracelets. The clerk gave Stiles the creeps though. He had eyes that kind of bulged from his head and a mouth that seemed a little to big. His skin was a perpetual pale green and covered thick in sweat. When he smile his tongue seemed huge and something about him smelled intricately of muddy water.

"Here is yours." Derek slipped Stiles' bracelet onto his wrist. "You ready to have fun?" Derek smiled innocently, well as innocently as his sourwolf ass could, which made Stiles smile.

"Ready as I'll every be, babe." Stiles replied as they walked into the carnival hands interlocked. As they entered their Celtic Knott tattoos singed their hands making Stiles jump a little.

They were at the carnival through most of the night. Derek and Aiden competed with each other to see who could win their mate the biggest teddy bear. They tied as Stiles and Lydia were stuck carrying around bears as big as they were. Though the night was nice, Stiles couldn't shake the feeling that someone was watching them. Every time he looked around some carny or another was eyeing them like they were some prize to be won.

"Hey, you want something to drink guys?" Aiden offered.

"Yeah, can I get a strawberry lemonade? I have been craving one all day." Stiles asked hopefully.

"Sure," Aiden smiled. "What about you Derek?"

"Just a water." Derek replied.

They sat down with their drinks at the nearest picnic table and started to chit chat about their night. They each to slow sips of their drinks and continued talking.

Stiles vision began to blur and he was becoming very tired. Before he laid his head down he was out cold on the picnic table, along with his three friends.



When Stiles woke up everything was gone. The entire carnival had picked up and left in a few minutes. The only other person near him as Lydia who was sitting up in complete shock. The empty field stretched for miles and the grass indented where structures had been.

"Where's Derek?" Stiles started to hyperventilate. He couldn't loose someone he cared about again. After his mother, he wouldn't be able to cope with the pain. "Derek!" He started to run around the field frantically. "Derek! Where are you Derek?" Stiles collapsed into himself and began to sob uncontrollably.

Lydia sat behind Stiles and rubbed his back. She was broken too, but she felt like she had to comfort Stiles. "We will find them." She consoled. "I promise. We will find them."

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