Chapter 15

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The eyes started to shift back and for in the the woodland cave. As they rocked, they slowly shifted colors, red, blue, yellow. The colors flowed into each other. Derek couldn't pin point the exact color of this creatures eyes.

Anger rose inside of Derek; Stiles was in there. Derek could smell his mate, and what ever was in there with him was not a friend. Derek's eyes radiated crimson red, and he howled.

"Stay away from him." Derek commanded.

The eyes approached him and a wolf wreathed in black fur traveled towards him. Derek barred his fangs and went to lunge at the wolf, but he couldn't move his body, from his neck down was completely paralyzed. The mysterious fog from earlier wrapped itself around Derek.

The wolf approached Derek, taking it's time weaving in and out of tufts of grass. The fog traveled with it slowly possessing the wolf until it was no longer visible.

All Derek could do wait for the end to come. He hated this feeling of powerless in him. He was a god damn alpha after all.

"Derek!" Stiles screamed from inside the cave. Derek fought hard against the fog that claimed him. He howled and cried pushing against his mystical restraints. The fog started to choke him so that he could not fight it. It pushed against his throat cutting of his air. Derek fought not only for Stiles but for air as the fog resisted his escape. His vision started to grow fuzzy at the corners as if the fog crept through his brain. The corners of his vision slowly disappeared, turning a void black.

Derek started to feel light headed, his body started to feel weak. He pushed against the fog one final time and he hit the floor.

After regaining his demeanor he stood up to get to Stiles, but standing in front of him was a red headed woman. Her hair sat on her shoulder and the look she gave Derek made him feel awkward.

Her eyes shifted colors. Red, yellow and blue weaved in and out like a kaleidoscope of chromatic fun.

Power emanated from her very presence, but Derek did not cower. "I am Lupa." Derek's face must have mirrored his surprise, because she explained. "Many people believe I am a roman god. But this is a misconception. I am simply..." She paused for a moment to ponder her next few words. "I am simply a mother." The woman laughed to herself like she made some sort of an inside joke.

"A mother to what exactly?" Derek inquired, his curiosity getting the best of him.

"A mother to werewolves, and wolves alike." Terror flashed across Derek's face. "Oh don't worry babe," She grabbed his face like he was five. "I'm not going to hurt you or you precious mate over there." She pointed to where Stiles lay."I like you guys way to much. I already tested him. Now, I'm here to test you." A glint in her eye revealed a malevolent purpose.

"What do you mean, 'test me'?" Derek growled. He started to charge her, putting all of his power into knocking her down. all she did was raise her palm and he ended up flat on his ass and reverted back to human form.

"I mean I'm going to give you a choice. Whatever you chose, decides your fate." She answered sadistically. Derek just stared at her waiting for his options. "Either you forget all about Stiles and never remate with him, but he remembers everything and is still mated to you, or it is you who remembers everything."

Without a second of hesitation Derek responded,"Ill remember. Don't put him through that." Derek started to cry a little.

Lupa started to clap her hands and laugh,"Well, well, well. I did not expect that!" She smiled as wolves started to file in around her. "Stand up."

Derek obeyed without thinking. She leaned in and touched his nose. She laughed a little bit more. "You have passed." She started to walk away.

"Wait!" Derek called. She snapped around. "What was that all about?"

"True mates each have roles. Stiles is to be passionate and caring. Yours is to be protective and strong. Both are supposed to love with out doubt. You both have proven that, but don't think I'm done. Your mating is very interesting. It's never happened like this before, and I want to see what going to happen." She turned and started to leave, just before she was gone she laugh and said," Go. Love him. Show him his alpha." Then she was gone.

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