Chapter 3

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"Why am I in the hospital?" Stiles inquired. His hair a mess and his face barely an inch away from Derek's.

All Derek could do was stare back at him. It frustrated Stiles, Derek's silence. He wanted to know. What had happened? So he decided to get up and leave. Bad idea. The moment he got up he pasted out, but lucky for him Derek, with his superhuman speed, caught Stiles before he hit the ground. He set Stiles back on the hospital bed.

It was nice hospital, sort of. Well, it was a standard hospital. Stiles noticed once he woke up again and looked around. The walls were gray and white. The floors were tile and also white. The only part that weirded him out was the lights above him. Exactly like his weird dream. Oh and the smell, all of a sudden he could smell everything from the regular hospital smell down the the way the crocks smelled after they rubbed against the floor.

"What happened Derek?" Stiles snapped. His face twitching because he was furious.

"You fell in gym class. Off of the rope you climb. You fell into a coma." Stiles noticed that even through Derek's tough facade he was terrified that Stiles wouldn't be ok.

"Of course! Me.. Yeah... I would fall into a coma in the stupidest.." He was cut off by Derek kissing him. A long passionate kiss that made Stiles' head spin and his stomach do summer salts, twisting and turning within seconds.

"Shut up Stiles." Derek whispered. He smiled then got up. "Come on, we have to get you out of this hospital bead to talk to Deaton."

Stiles got up and then realized. Both he and Derek, were wearing the exact same clothes from his dream. Black liquid covered an all.



Derek couldn't believe that Stiles was awake. Part of him was so excited that his teeth jitters. His body was full of electricity. Every part of his body just radiated and energy of pure excitement, but part of him was hollow. Stiles didn't know he was a werewolf, and Derek was suffering for it.

Derek checked Stiles out of the hospital, and took him to his car.

On the drive the to Deaton's office Stiles was growing restless,"So why are we going to Deaton's?" Stiles inquired. Derek stayed silent. he wasn't ready to talk about it.

"Answer me, Derek." Stiles persisted. Again Derek just sits there. His expression pained and his body stiff, Stiles started to get worried.

"Answer me damn it!" Stiles screams. As Derek pulls into a parking spot at Deaton's veterinary clinic he looks at Stiles. A tear runs down his face and he looses it. For the third time this week Derek breaks down crying.

"I'm so sorry." Derek starts."I was terrified you wouldn't make it. I turned you hoping you would come out of the coma. you did, but I don't know what the cost might be. that's why we are here we need advice."

"You did what?! You stupid oaf..." Stiles stopped when he saw that Derek already looked broken. he couldn't bring himself to hurt Derek even though he kind of wanted to.

"Well," He started."since we're here we might as well get advice." Derek's chest unclenched when Stiles said this. As they entered the building the started to hold hands as they interlocked fingers a Celtic knot seared into the tops of their hands.

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