Chapter 7: Did i actually matter!

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2012 :

             That message still rekindled me. That lake, where I met her for the first time, was the same place where I met her the last time. Both the times were equally special. I had tears rolling down my cheeks. A girl can not only be ones strength, she can be ones weakness also. I realised it while wiping my tears off.

             I was down with three cups of Cortada and I didn't want more. I wanted to sit and look back at what all had happened and as to where it all actually started.

            It was a year after our degree when the black rose actually blossomed. Like in every other relation, our start was a smooth ride in the gardens of a city called love. It was all later that we faced certain issues. It never seemed an issue to me initially as I was well prepared. Like how a star up in the sky had to fall down, I knew that we would face few problems. That mindset only helped me to accept everytime we had a problem and gave strength to stand for it. But since a year, things had gone way too beyond tolerance and things were getting really cold between us. I never liked this development but I knew for a fact that I could still handle it. All I wanted was her ever since the first day. I knew I could beat all odds to get her. But I was losing my patience and to top it all, we had entered into a long distance relationship. She stayed in Bangalore and I had moved on to Mumbai.

A year back

" I am 23 for godsake! I am like a hot cake at home who is on sale. Do you even realise what situation I am in? You seem least bothered. My parents have full fledged plan to shoo me off the house this year. If you do not react now, may be we both will end up in a destiny that is not meant for us! Please Mayu. I am not trying to freak you out, but I am tensed and this is definitely indigestable " Aarti spoke her heart out. I had arrived from office just then. She was insecure, she was weak. The words she had spoken were sheer out of tension but the intensity was sinking in.

" Love, I am no one if you are not there. I need you at every stage in my life to be a human first. You have taught me to see the world in a happier way and i would want to see it till my last breath and only through your eyes i would want to see the world. Yes years are passing by and with years our relation is getting entangled. I completely understand it. To untangle it, i alone would not be able to do wonders. I need you to be strong honey, for yourself, for me and for us! Like always, our presence for each other is what prevails. " I tried convincing her and made an effort to put her at ease. "Its almost 8 months i have been here, and every moment a thought about you and about us, never fades. I know it is very hard to face things there alone because i am not there, but trust me baby i shall not let the obstacles take over us. Please have faith in me and i will make it work." I had finished my bit and her tears had reduced. 

" I know you would never let things harm us, but this insecurity sometimes puts me on a toss and i utter non sense! I am really sorry Mayank. You are staying far from your family, friends and me, you are striving against all odds to make your mark. Instead of being your support i end up creating such dramatic scenes! How original!!" she said and chuckled. Her laugh and smile had that sparkle which made me forget all my worries. She ended the call as she had to accompany her cousins.

I was standing in the balcony talking to her. The call ended, she was relaxed but tensions had started germinating with in me. Random unpleasant thoughts about her were making circles in my head. I had to act strong then, only to put her at ease. But I now really needed some strenght. Atleast then it would be easy to find alternatives. A sense of loneliness was enroaching slowly and i received a text from her. 

" Mayu, i always knew you were a good actor. You put up a show of being strong just so that i don't break down further. I very well know how much of strength you will be needing to compose yourself. Having a mate like you by my side, i shouldn't be worried at all. Stay calm, i will handle things here to my best. I am your girlfriend, I am capable of doing this much atleast. Now get back to the room from the balcony and go get fresh! I LOVE YOU. "

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