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Washington, D

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Washington, D.C., 2014

Dolores took a deep breath, staring at Agent Sitwell in vain as he sat in the back of the car beside her.

"Hydra doesn't like leaks," he grumbled. Sam Wilson gripped the wheel tighter, paying attention to the road.

"So why don't you try sticking a cork in it," he grumbled back sarcastically. Dolores snuck a peek at Natasha and Steve, wondering what they must be brewing up in their minds to stop this 'project insight' from happening.

Before she could process anything, Sitwell was yanked out of the window beside her and she instantly prepared to fight, pulling out the guns that rested in her thigh holsters.

"It's the Winter Soldier!" She called, attempting to shoot at him from his spot on the roof of their car, but he shot right back. Steve pulled the emergency brake quickly from his spot, causing the car to screech to a stop and the super-soldier to fly off of the top of it.

The team inside caught their breath quickly, but Dolores couldn't help her stare as the soldier landed on his feet. She watched as his metal arm began emitting sparks as it scraped against the concrete, steadying himself. Another car did not expect the sudden stop and smashed into the SUV that held the group of heroes, causing them to jerk forward. Sam hit the gas peddle again as the soldier jumped back onto the roof, smashing through the windshield and ripping the steering wheel clean out of Sam's grip.

"Shit!" He called just as Natasha began shooting at the soldier.

"C'mon!" Dolores shouts, shooting at the same vicious rate but the Winter Soldier dodges the bullets, jumping onto another car behind them. As their car begins to swerve off the road, Steve grips his teammates and pulls them towards one of the doors.

"Hang on!" He yells, breaking through the door and using it as a shield as the four friends tumble onto it, sliding down the road. Dolores rolls off first, whipping some of her strawberry blonde hair behind her as she ducks behind a stopped car for cover.

The group dispersed as more HYDRA agents suddenly swarmed in, shooting at them. The Winter Soldier followed Dolores as he continued to fire in her direction, but she delivered a shot to his face which broke the goggles he wore. He growled and ripped them off, revealing his icy eyes as she ran off.

"Она моя. Найти его." He grunts, indicating that he was going to go after her. The other agents nodded, firing at the remaining three teammates.

They try their best to fend them off and are doing a sufficient job, but Steve notices the Soldier go after his sister-like friend and his heart rate rises. Sam notices as well.

"Go, Nat and I have this!" He yells, and Steve nods in gratitude, flying over the overpass.

The Soldier believes he found where his enemy has hidden as he hears her voice communicating to others about the situation. He rolls a bomb under the car she's hiding behind and waits for the explosion that will confirm her death. The second it detonates, Dolores jumps onto the Soldier's back and wraps her arms around his neck in hopes of disabling him, having tricked him with a recording of her voice that she planted as she hid. She attempts to use her super-human strength, but he is stronger than she is and throws her clean off of his back. She rolls and continues to run, but the man is hot on her heels.

She begins to scream at civilians to get out of the way, but a cold metal arm grabs her shoulder, pulling her harshly back. In a moment of panic, she grabs the hand and twists it around, turning herself to face him. She makes eye contact, but his view quickly drops to a shimmering ring on her left ring finger. The ring glows in the light and the Soldier is caught off guard by the familiarity of it. Dolores notices but uses the distraction to her advantage as she yanks down on his arm, flipping him to the ground as she makes a clean getaway.

Well, almost.

The Winter Solider snaps back to it, aiming his gun and firing two shots- one of which landed right into her shoulder. She gasped in pain, flinging herself by a car to apply pressure to the wound that poured blood.

Before she can process anything, Steve comes flying out from on top of a car and engages in a fight with the Winter Solider. As Dolores has a moment to breathe in pain, she thinks back on the colour of his eyes and why they seemed eerily familiar yet so distant.

She turned back just in time to see Steve land a hit to the Solider's face, causing his mask to fly off. His long hair covers his face for a second, but eventually, it parts as he stares down at Steve.

Dolores lets out a choked sob as the realization hits of who this man really is. Steve pauses as well, his eyes widening in disbelief.

"Bucky?" He breathed, almost not believing what was in front of him.

Dolores felt tears sting her eyes.

This can't be him. Bucky is dead. Bucky died in 1945. He's gone, Dolores. He's not coming back.

The Soldier paused, confused as to why they both stopped this fight.

"Who the hell is Bucky?" He asked. Dolores felt her head spin and tears numbly fell down her face. She couldn't deny it as she heard him speak; it was him.

Dolores was staring at her 97-year-old fiancé, who had just shot her in the shoulder.

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