4: Please, Do Tell Your Fears

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Rapunzel watched Hiccup as he walked over to Astrid and kissed her. She stared blankly at them and thought of her mother.

What mother is doing right now? Does she think that I left my tower? Is she looking for me? Rapunzel had been panicking for the past twenty-four hours, ever since she woke up in North's workshop after being put to sleep by the short, golden man that couldn't talk... Sandy, she thought his name was?

"Where did yoou ge' a fryin' pan?" Merida asked, interrupting her thoughts. They both looked down at the frying pan in her right hand.

"I asked one of the Vikings if they had one. It's more handy than you may think," Rapunzel answered.

Merida's bright blue eyes stared at her warily, looking back and forth between the frying pan and her face. "Yoou use a fryin' pan as a weapon?"

"It's the only weapon I ever had in my tower," Rapunzel shrugged. Hiccup got on Toothless and smirked at Jack. What was that about? She shook it off as Hiccup raised his hand, signaling to open the gate.

What they saw in the dragon stables was terrifying. There were black sand nightmares like the ones that Jack had mentioned last night. But there weren't just a few, there were hundreds. Which she knew probably didn't seem like a lot, but when she had absolutely no experience fighting, or killing things, it was a horrific sight.

"Um... spilt up into two teams? We'll take the ones on the left you'll take the ones on the right?" Jack asked the other guardians.

Sandy nodded in agreement. He, Tooth, Bunny, and North ran to the right as Jack lead Hiccup, Elsa, Merida, and Rapunzel to the ones on the left. Rapunzel was so confused as she watched everyone, including the Vikings, start killing the nightmares.

Hiccup was on Toothless as they blast the nightmares with fire. Jack was jumping around with his staff freezing them. Elsa was freezing them too, but with her hands. She had created a few icicles that she was stabbing them with. Merida shot arrows at them, as well as using a sword that she had attached to her quiver. North stabbed the nightmares with his swords. Bunny threw his boomerangs. Tooth was punching them, and panicking. Sandy used his dream sand whips.

Rapunzel shrugged and started hitting the nightmares with the frying pan.

A nightmare was behind Elsa, about to attack her, but Rapunzel quickly hit it with her frying pan and it turned to dust. Elsa stared at her. "Thank you," she said as she froze a nightmare that was behind Rapunzel.

There was another one coming up behind her, "No problem," She replied as she smashed it with the pan. They stood back to back fighting the nightmares.

Right as Rapunzel was about to hit one, all of the nightmares disappeared. A man wearing a dark gray cloak, with jet black hair, and yellow eyes walked out of the dragon stables. Most people raised their weapons but seemed too afraid to use them.

"Why hello again, guardians. It looks like you have some new recruits. Shall we see what their fears are?" He asked with a very slight British accent. Rapunzel could tell that that man was Pitch. He wad exactly the way Jack explained him. He acted sly and complicated, never telling anyone the real reason that he was here.

"Leave them alone, Pitch!" North yelled at him. But Pitch ignored North and walked over to Merida.

Merida glared at him as he reached his hand out to touch the bow that she held in her hands. Quickly, the red head took an arrow out of her quiver and aimed at his head, "Yoou touch ma bow, yoou die!" She growled.

He smirked, speaking slowly, "Hmm... possessive are we, Princess?" She growled at him again but he took no notice as he continued, "Do you want to tell them your fears or should I?" Merida watched him. "I guess I will," he examined her as if he was looking into her soul.

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