22: Get You Home

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Rapunzel had been silently sobbing for a few minutes. She was never going to see the floating lights. She would never meet her real parents. She would never get married, or have children, or do a million other things that she couldn't even bare to think of because it was just too depressing for her. She wanted so nothing more than to have a life outside of her tower, but now that she got it, look where she ended up.

The room started getting colder again, causing her to shiver even more. "Els-sa c-can you c-calm down?"

"What? That's not me." Elsa's eyes landed on Jack and she sighed, "What are you doing?"

"Just wait for it." Jack answered.

Well that wasn't really an answer Rapunzel thought. "What do you mean, Ja--?"

Right then the shackles around her wrists and ankles shattered. It wasn't only the ones around her, the cuffs that once restrained Jack and Elsa had also exploded into ice shards that now lay on the floor.

"Time to go." Jack jumped off the table and reached in his pocket. Out of it came one of North's snowglobes, which he whispered to then through on the floor.

Rapunzel was overwhelmed with joy. She wasn't going to die! She was going to meet her real parents, and get married, and have children! She was going to have a happy and fulfilling life when this was all over!

She ran to the portal and jumped through, Elsa and Jack on her trail. The bitter cold bit into her as her feet crunched into the snow, but she didn't care. She was free. "Cold! Cold!Cold!"

Elsa and Jack chuckled.

"Oi! Undar 'ere!"

Rapunzel searched through the night for Merida. She got scared as she spotted a long dark figure moving...but it was only Toothless. The dragon sat behind a gigantic pine tree.

"Guys, hurry before Pitch comes looking for you!" Hiccup hissed.

Jack took Elsa by the waist and they flew up to the top of the tree. Rapunzel sighed and crawled under the canopy of the tree. She ended up at Hiccup's right, Merida on the other side of him.

"So what exactly are we doing?" Elsa shouted from above, her silent voice barely audible.

Rapunzel questioned further, "Yeah what is the plan?"

"Jack you take Elsa! We'll take Rapunzel!" Hiccup shouted back. The wind whipped around, causing her teeth to chatter. "Here." Hiccup handed her a thick blanket that she wrapped around herself, also rolling her hair around her body for extra insulation.


Merida elbowed Hiccup in the ribs, "Ow!" He cried rubbing his side. "I get it...The plan is to sneak into Pitch's lair and find his time machine. We'll then go back to North's so that Tooth can come with us through the portal to take you back, and later change your memories, once we get to Corona four years ago."

"That's it? But what about Pitch? Didn't Máni say we have to defeat him together?"

"Dat's all ya need ta werry about lass."

Rapunzel wasn't sure about this. Shouldn't they do what Máni told them to? What would happen if they didn't? The answer seemed simple enough: people would get hurt.

"I don't think this is a good idea."

"He's coming!" Jack shouted from above.

The five quietly watched as Pitch angrily flew out from beneath the bedframe. Night mares trailed at his sides as he sped south--probably heading for the Tooth Palace.

The First Five: The Guardian Chronicles (Book One)Where stories live. Discover now