The Party Is Over

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Before i start this chapter, i just want to say thank you for everyone sharing their thoughts for this chapter and most of you guessed it right! 😁😉
So lets continue with the chapter.

He walks into the house with his
eyes widened. He gives me an angry look.

"F..Fran? What are you doing here?" I ask,feeling my body shaking from this unexpected moment.

"Everyone out now!" He demands.

"No! Nobody leaves! Everyone stay!" I shout back.

"Martina! Dont you dare disrepect me! Do you understand!?"He shouts.

"I will disrepect you because you don't respect me! You dont care about me!" I shout once more, close to forming tears.

I shouldnt cry, it will make me look weaker.

"Im going to talk to you later! Im telling everyone again to leave this house now!" He shouts to everyone.

People start taking their  things and everyone leaves the house except Diego.

"Fran, you shouldn't have done this. This is wrong what you did." Said Diego.

"I know what I'm doing ,Diego." He said.

"No you dont! You only care about yourself! You just embarrassed me in front of all the school!" I yell at him.

"Diego, Leave please. I need to talk to her alone." He said.

"I have nothing to talk with you, Fran! I dont want to see you again!" I shout back.

"I dont want to cause any problems, Martina. I will better go. See you at school tomorrow." He kisses my cheek and leaves.

I dont want to talk with my brother anymore! I will go to my room where i can be alone.

"Where are you going?" He asks in an angry tone.

"Why do you care?" I scoff.

He quickly grabs my hand and stops me.

"I dont want you to have party's in this house anymore! Think about Mum and Dad. They wouldn't allow you aswell." He says.

"Dont bring Mum and Dad into this conversation!" I answer back.

"Dad never cared about us! He ruined our family!" I shout.

"I miss our Mother and i want this house to be peaceful. No party's. It looks like as if you are celebrating mothers Death.

"No im not! And anyways why are you here? Didnt you say you were gonna stay in mexico for a week?" I ask.

"I came back earlier because it's our mothers birthday today." He says looking down on the floor sadly.

"Oh my god! I forgot about it..." i say quietly.

"I knew you would forget about it, you never care for anyone. Only yourself." He said harshly.

"I care about many people. What are you talking about?" I ask him.

"Who? Diego?" He chuckles.

"Ugh! I cant talk to you anymore! You are so annoying..." i said, walking upstairs to my room and closing my door.

I lied on my bed and started crying into my pillow.

I'm so sorry mother, sorry i forgot your birthday. I really miss you. Happy Birthday...i love you.

Morning 7:00 am

There is a knock on my bedroom door.

- Martina! Wake up! You are gonna be late for school!

I strech out my arms and quickly get dressed and do my makeup.

Few minutes later:

I walk downstairs and i smell something that reminded me of mother.

Mother would every morning make small  croissants with her homemade orange jam as a filling inside. I remember i enjoyed eating that alot.

I see those same croissants on the table with that wonderful aroma and sweet orange.

"Fran, you made these?" I ask.

"Yes, mother taught me her secret recipe." He replies.

I sat down and start biting into the crispy croissant.

The dough was so fresh and soft. The croissant had a warm,golden colour, my mouth was watering each time i took a bite. It reminded me childhood. That perfect taste of  orange jam was so marvellous.

"Well we need to get going, or you are going to late." He says.

"We?" I question him.

"Yes, i will drive you to school." He answers back.

"Thanks but no, Diego is going to pick me up anytime soon now." I state.

"Are you sure?" He asks.

"Yes. I'm sure." I reply.


"There he is! Bye Fran!" I shout and leave the house.

I enter his car and he drives us to school.

"Hey, everything okay about last night?" He asks.

"Yeah, everything is fine, lets talk about  something else..." I reply.

Few minutes later they arrive at school.

(Bell Rang)

"Just on time." He said.

"Okay, see you later." I say and enter my classroom.

Everyone stares at me, on one side,i like it because im beautiful but on the other side, its just annoying and quite disturbing.

Lodo comes up to me and sits next to me.

"Martinaa! Are you okay ? I saw that little argument happening with your brother yesterday." She whispers

"Yeah its fine.." i respond quickly.

"Are you sure? You can tell me anything." She says.

"I  said I'm fine!" I replied loudly.

"Okay..I was just asking." She said.

"Where is your new bestfriend?" I ask harshly.

"Wait what? What new bestfriend?" She asks confusingly.

"Dont act dumb with me. You know who." I reply.

" What, Lara? No, no she is just a friend. You are way important than her and you are my bestfriend!" She says.

Suddenly i hear giggles from two blonde girls who are sitting on the next table to my left.

-"Omg really? Wow that must of been so embarrassing."

-"I know right! And also she wears sooo much make up! Does she like never wash her face?" Starts giggling and starts making a big bubble from her pink bubblegum.

Thats it. I cant hold me temper anymore!

I walk up to their table and then everything starts.

"Listen up, you bubblegum bitch! You dont know anything about me, so dont open your filthy mouth and start bitching about me!" I shout while giving them a death glare.

They both stay silent.

Suddenly the teacher enters.

"Okay, okay!  Everyone sit down into your seats and we are going to start the lesson." The teacher announces.

Yay Long chapter ! I really hope you liked this chapter!❤Comment your thoughts about it.
Loveee youuu!💕

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