The Flashbacks

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Suddenly, blurry thoughts went through my mind. The flashbacks appeared.

The loud music  was blasting into my ears, people were dancing crazy and simply having fun. But then, there was me. Probably already drinking my fifth bottle of champagne.  I felt overjoyed and partying my life, filled with complete freedom and without any negativity.

Few minutes later, I spot a dark figure walking towards me. I think that was Jorge. At least, i felt like it was him.

He poured more champagne into my glass. Honestly, I didnt care how much I drank. I felt great during this moment. I didnt bother to think about the future consequences.

"Tini, i love you." He whispered  as that sentence echoed in my head.

After that, I found myself trapped in his arms until I felt warmth moving closer. Our lips met. We started to make out and he wouldn't let me go. He slowly tilted his head to my neck and with his soft lips, he left a dark red lovebite. Suddenly, my senses came back to me. The cologne. The cologne smells nothing like Jorge. I know that smell. My blurry eyes focused slowly to the figure in front of me. It was quite difficult to see who was around since there wasnt much light and everything looked slightly dark. My eyesight wasnt that good anyways because as you know,  I was drunk. My eyes finally formed the image of the figure. My adrenaline started to increase faster and faster, I felt a void inside of me as shivers went down through my spine. It was him. Christian Valentino.

I tried to run away from him but he wouldn't let me go. I glaced back at him quickly and his fist met my stomach. I was in pain but it didnt last long. I already saw complete darkness surrounding me.

"Um, yeah I remember what happened last night, I think you are right, I did eat something bad.  I am not a very good cook after all." I laughed nervously.

"Okay, well, I will give you an aspirin and if you want, you are allowed to go home and relax. We will inform the school that you will leave  earlier today." The nurse replied.

About two hours later:

I woke up from my nap. Stretched my arms out and got out of bed. I slowly walked walked up to the living room and saw  that Jorge was sitting on the couch watching tv. But when he saw me, he immediately stood up and walked towards me and asked. " how are you feeling?"

"Um, better, thanks." I replied.

"Are you hungry? Do you want to eat something?" He asked with his worried looking eyes.

"No,no. I'm okay, thanks. Um,Jorge, I- I  I'm very sorry about last night. I remembered what happened. I- I really t-thought i-i-it was y-you." I stuttered as I looked down and tears started forming.

"Tini..." he was about to continue to say something but I cut him off with a question.

"Did anyone see me and Christian together?" I asked.

"To be honest, I didnt pay attention if someone saw you with him. I mostly was trying to get you away from him. He punched you really hard that you fainted. I would of had a big fight with him but, I couldn't leave you alone, lying on the ground. So, I just took you away from the party drove us  home." He explained.

I was about to say something but i couldn't hold myself but cry. Jorge wrapped his arms around me as I buried my head into his chest.

"Hey, dont worry. Its ok." He said calmly.

"Come, sit down. I want to tell you something." He added.

We sat on the couch,he looked at me and smiled.

"There is something I wanted to tell you for a long time. And I think now might be a good moment." He said.

"Okay, what is it?" I asked as I wiped my tears with a tissue.

"Okay so, -

"Oh sorry someone is calling me." I said.

"Hello? Wait, are you serious right now?"

Martina talked on the phone and turned it off.

"Um, so where were we?" I said.

"Who was that?" He asked.

"My brother, Fran. He called me to say that he is arriving tomorrow to Buenos Aires. I dont know why all of the sudden he decided to come back. I got so used to be here. And if he comes back, I will need to back too and I dont want that." I explained.

Yayyy I updated ❤
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