Mi Amor

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"Tini, wake up. It's time for school" he whispered and smiled.

"Already..."I said with a sleepy voice.

"About Last night, Im really sorry, Tini. I didnt know that this would happen and-

"Jorge, Its okay. I forgive you, its not your fault.

"Ofcourse its my fault! I pulled you in to this and you got really hurt. I dont even know why that crazy bitch even goes to parties to people who she doesn't know." He explained.

"Okay, will it make you feel better if I hug you?" I asked.

"Maybe." He winked.

I got out of bed and wrapped my hands around Jorge.

Then suddenly,

"Ahhh! Stop! Hahaha!" I laughed while he was tickling me.

"Jorge! I cant anymore! HAHAHAHAHAH" I continued laughing.

Jorge stopped tickling and laughed.

"Okay, get ready and breakfast is on the table, I made sandwiches for us." He smiled.

"Okay,thanks!" I said and walked to the bathroom.

Jorge left the room.

Few minutes later:

Jorge and Martina finished eating their breakfast, left the house and started driving to school.

Time skip:

They arrived to school walking inside together.

"Well, im going to my class, see you at break." He smiled.

"See ya." I smiled back.

Lodo ran up to me and hugged me tightly.

"Heyyy Martu! How is it going? Are you and Jor-" Lodo asked but got interrupted by Martina.

"We are just friends, and Im living at his house because-"

"Wait, wait! You live at his house!?"

"Yeah, but i will explain everything later, okay?"


Bell rang for class.

Lodo and I entered the class and sat together by the table.

"So um where is you friend Lara" I asked.

"Oh you mean ex-friend?" Lodo asked in an unemotional tone.

"What have I missed?" I asked with a confused look.

"Do you really want to know?" She asked with a worried look.

"Well, yeah obviously i do..." I answered as I rolled my eyes.

"Well few days ago, Lara and I were supposed to meet downstairs in class 20 for our chemistry test and when I walked downstairs, I saw Lara and Christian talk together about something and when Lara came back to me,  I asked her if there was something between her and Christian and she said that Christian is her brother! Look, I  dont what they were talking about but i have a conspiracy theory. So, Lara and Christian are siblings which isnt good. And I  think that Christian was telling Lara what to do and be closer to me. When she is closer to me then that means, she is closer to you too and is telling everything to Christian!" Lodo explained.

"Woah, i think you are right...well the good thing is that you arent her friend anymore so we are safe." I said.

"But we have to be very careful. Just because she is "quiet" doesnt mean she is innocent...you will never know what to expect from a quiet person. Everyone is a suspect." Lodo added.

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