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11 am:

My eyes opened and circled around the room with confusion.

"Where am I?" I questioned myself.

I dont remember anything...

I have a terrible headache and I'm starting to feel nauseous.

Suddenly i saw the door was opening.

"Jorge? W..what are you doing here? And where am I?" I asked.

"You are at my house, I brought you to your house at first but nobody opened the door so I brought you here." He smiled.

"Wait, did we know.." I asked as I looked at the bed.

"No we didn't ." He answered simply.

"Okay, um good to know..." I responded.

"So, how are you feeling? Do you remember anything last night?" He asked.

"Well I'm  actually not feel very well, my head hurts alot and just feel awful.. and i dont remember anything at all..." I answered.

"If you want, there's the bathroom and you can go have a shower there." He said while he pointed me the direction to the bathroom.

"Uh...but i dont have any extra clothes and makeup.." I said.

"I have some Mechi's clothes here, she used to live with me before."

"Where is she now?" I Asked.

"I have no idea, and anyways we broke up yesterday..." He said

"What happened?" I asked.

"Well she just a really jealous person and she got mad because I helped you." He explained.

" the way, um..thank you for helping me" i smiled at him.

"No problem at all, Martina." He smiled back.

But suddenly i felt it all come up.

I managed to run quickly to the bathroom and threw up.

I stopped and breathed heavily. I couldn't help myself and my eyes bursts into tears.

Jorge came up to me and rubbed my back slowly.

"There, there dont cry... i made you some tea which will help you. Also, you need eat something because you only had fluids." He said with a caring tone.

"Jorge, why do you care so much about me? Like,we bearly know anything about each other." I asked and stared at his eyes.

"Because,I can see that you aren't feeling good from that time your 'ex' came. So, I want to help you." He explained.

"I really appreciate your help, thanks." I smiled at him.

"I will bring you Mechi's clothes and a Towel so you could  have a nice, fresh shower."

"Thank you." I replied.

Few minutes later:

I got out from the shower and got dressed, i looked at my reflection and everytime it would remind me of my dark past...

My eyes started to have a blurry vision and then i realised, i was crying.

Suddenly the bathroom door opened unexpectedly.

Jorge entered and I quickly covered my face with hands and turned to him with my back.

"Martina, are you alright? I heard you were crying what's wrong!?"He asked in a worried tone.

"Please go away..." I said, still covering my face.

Jorge came closer to me and he wanted to ask something but I interrupted him.

"Please go away! I dont want you to see me face! " I shouted.

"Okay..." he frowned and left the bathroom.

I started to cry even louder and more tears were running down my cheeks.

But suddenly i felt numb and couldn't feel anything. I couldnt breathe very well, my eyes rolled back and i collapsed on to the floor...

Few minutes later:

I felt something cold on my face.

I slowly opened my eyes and saw Jorge stroking my face with a wet cloth.

"My head hurtss..." I whined, as i rubbed my head.

"Martina, you fainted and thats why everything hurts now...but now that you woke up, i will give you something to eat and drink." He explained.

Jorge brought me a sandwich and some warm tea.

"Here you go." He smiled.

I stood up from lying on the sofa and sat down. I started eating my sandwhich and sipped with my tea.

Time skip:

"Thank you,Jorge." I smiled at him.

"Your Welcome, But Martina, may I ask you something? He asked.

"Uh, sure." I said.

"Who did this to you? He asked.

"Do what?" I asked with a cofusing look.

"To your face. You have a big scar and lots of bruises." He asked with his worried looking eyes.

I forgot that I didnt have makeup on and he saw me. The real me.

"Uh.. it..its...nothing uh.nobody..." i stuttered.

"I'm  good at keeping Secrets." He smiled.

"I...i cant.." I said.

"Lets make a deal, I will tell you one of my  secrets and then you will tell yours. Deal?" He asked, lifting his hands towards Martina for a handshake.

"Deal." I smiled and shaked his hand.

"Okay, so  the reason why I'm here in this school, its because I was kicked out from other previous schools. I have been kicked out from like 6 school and I'm  still surprised that i had the opportunity to enter this one. Believe it or not but I was a bully there aswell. I had my gang and we would make fun of people and get into fights with the other gangs and so when i got accepted to this school i lost all my friends except Mechi. Thats the reason why i act bit different then i was before. " He explained.

"Wow that was quite a story...well mines a bit different...i dont even know how to start but basically a few years ago, I was not popular at all...until I met...Christian. I remember, I finished the school day and I waiting for my brother to pick me up and I was standing alone. So later, Christian came up to me and he was like Really popular and I was so happy that he actually came up to me. So we started talking about basic stuff and later he said that he actually really likes me and I had a crush on him aswell. So after he said, " If you wanna become popular like me ,then lets start dating." So ofcourse I agreed and then later we dated for like a year and a half. And one day, he invited me to his house because he was having a party with his gang and all the popular people were there. And later he brought me into his bedroom and...r..raped me..I kept telling him to let me go but he wouldn't listen and he would physically abuse me until i would bleed and he hurted me every single day because i started to avoid him. And this is what was  left from him on my face." I explained and cried at the same time. any thoughts about Martina's Past? 🤔❤

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