The Sleepover

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"Tini, its okay. Dont be afraid. I'm here for you" He said rubbing his hand on my back slowly.

"Can, can I just thank you? Thank you for everything. You actually really mean alot to me. You are always there for me and I really appreciate that." I said, breaking the hug and smiling at him.

"Tini, im telling you again, there is nothing for you to thank me. And even though we act like a couple, i still care about you as if its real." He replied.

Suddenly Tini's phone rang.

"Hey Lodo." I answered.

"Hey! My parents arent  gonna be home for a few days, im inviting you to my house for a sleepover! We need some girl talk." Said Lodo. I can already imagine her smirk when she said about having some 'girl talk.'

"Sounds good. What time?" I asked.

"In 30 minutes!" She answered.

"Woah,okay. See you later then." I said turning off the phone.

"Um so Lodo called me and she is inviting me for a sleepover. You dont mind if I go right?" I said.

"Ofcourse I dont mind. I will drive you there." He smiled.

"Aww thanks. I smiled back.

Time skip:

"Bye Jorge, thanks for the drive!" I waved at him.

I rang the bell and Lodo opened the door.

"Heyyy how are you?" She asked.

"Im good. Wait a second, are you baking my favourite cookies? Chocolate chip cookies!" I asked, smelling the wonderful aroma of chocolate.

"Yup!" Lodo answered smiling widely.

"Anyways lets bring all your clothes upstairs to the bedroom." She added.

We went up to the bedroom and the suddenly Lodo asks me a question. I'm not surprised about this question at all.

"Soo, how is Jorge?" She smirked.

"Umm, he is okay.." I answered casually.

"Just Okay!? Something you are not telling me... Come on, tell me everything!

Ah, now this is a problem. I would tell her everything. I would tell her that this is all fake. None of this love relationship is true but, i cant. Yes, i know she is my best friend and we always tell each other everything but Lodo isnt a quiet person. She can accidentally say the whole secret without even realising it. And also its not only my secret but Jorge's aswell. So this ' fake relationship secret' will only stay  between me and Jorge.

"Umm, so remember I told you what happened about Christian thing and Diego. About the fact that Diego lied to me all this time and they sort of kidnapped me?"


"Well, when I ran away from there, I saw Jorge's house and I also didn't have my keys. So I  asked him if I could stay for a bit and he told me I could stay as long as I want, he didnt mind. And then one day, we were sitting watching tv and-"


"No. Will you let me finish?"

'Haha okay!"

So, as I was saying, we were watching tv together and then he looked into my eyes and told me that I really mean alot to him and has feelings for me. And I said that  I had feelings for him too."



"You wont understand. Anyways, so what happened next?!"

"After, few days later, he asked me on a date. It went pretty good. We went to a coffee shop, talked about ourselves and then when it started to get dark, we went for a walk to the park, sat on the bench next to a big tree and watched the sky with beautiful stars shining brightly, it was wonderful. And after that he suddenly leaned in and kissed me.   We both realised that we were perfect for each other."

"Tini, thats is so goals I swear! Sounds like a beautiful dream.

Lodo was right. It is a dream. Not a  reality. All I said to her was lies, lies, lies. I feel sorry for her. I know I can tell her the truth but she might accidentally tell someone and It wont be fair to Jorge.

Im just really confused with my life lately.

"Thanks, but dont worry, you will also have someone who will truly love you and it wont be just a dream. It will be a Reality."

"I hope so."

Time skip:

Lodo and I were watching  tv and eating chocolate chip cookies.

"Tini, I have something for you."

"What is it?"

Lodo handed me a small bag.

I took the bag and looked inside.

"You are joking."

"Im not."

"Birth control pills? Are you serious? Lodo, you are taking this way too far. Im not gonna try to pregnant anyways. Im still young."

"Some things might change, you cant fortell the future. Just keep them, okay?"


"Please do it for me."

"Lodo, you are unbelievable."

Heyyy  My holidays started on 21st December. Im so happy that I dont have school now and dont have to wake up so early in the morning. 

What do you think about this chapter?❤

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