Will you be my Girlfriend?

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Martina eyes slowly opened and saw that she was lying on Jorge's chest.

I streched my arms out and yawned.

Jorge woke up and smiled at me.

"Morning, Tini." he said with a sleepy voice.

"Morning." I smiled.

"No more nightmares?" He asked.

"No, everything was okay." I replied.

"Well, im going to go and make some breakfast, do you want tea or coffee?" He asked.

"Um, i will a cup of tea. Thanks." I answered.

"Wait a second, its 12:30am! We are so late for school! Not that I care but still we are very late!" I panicked.

"Tini, Tini. Chill,its Sunday today." He chuckled.

"Ohh." I said feeling relieved.

"Well, breakfast is almost ready. Have a seat." He said.

Martina sat by the table and waited for breakfast to be done.

Jorge places two plates  on the table with two slices of toasts  with some  strawberry jam.

"Thank you, Jorge." I smiled.

While Jorge and Tini were eating, Jorge's phone staring to ring.

Jorge took his phone and answered.

"Hey there! Havent talked to you in a while. Happy Birthday!  And yeah,okay sure I will come, thanks." He said.

"Someone's birthday?" I asked.

"Yeah my childhood friend's  birthday is today and he is inviting me to his party." He explained.

"Oh, cool.." I said.

"Tini, i have a question for you." He said.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Will you be my Girlfriend?" He asked.


"I mean like will you be my Girlfriend at the party. I need to be in a fake relationship just for today." He explained.

"But why do you need a girlfriend anyways for the party?" I questioned Jorge.

"Because, everyone is there with their own couple and I will be left out. Also, there is gonna be one  crazy lady. If she sees that I have a girlfriend, she wont bother me." He explained.

"So, will you be my Girlfriend? Its really important for me." He added.

"Okay, I will be your girlfriend." I smiled.

"But we have one problem." I added.

"What?" He asked.

"I dont have anything to wear and I need my make up aswell." I answered.

"Thats not a problem,  we will go to the Mall today. Also, dont worry about the money. Im paying." He winked.

"Wait, no Jorge. I can pay myself. You dont have to." I said.

"Im your Boyfriend and I insist." He smiled.

"Well, Okay then." I smiled back.

Few hours later:

"I think we should get ready and go to the Mall so we dont waste time." He mentioned.

"Yeah, I agree. " I said and went to my bedroom to get dressed.

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