A Little Surprise

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Jorge's POV:

Poor Martina, i actually really feel bad for her...she really doesnt deserve this at all...

I sat next to Martina on the sofa.

"Martina,dont worry. I will be there for you. I wont let that asshole touch you again." I said, holding Martina's hands and looking into her beautiful brown eyes.

"You..you really will help me?" She asked as her tears were still running down her cheeks.

"Yes, i will." I smile.

Martina quickly buried her head into my chest. I stroked her back and tried to calm her down.

"Thank you for helping me, Jorge." She whispered.

I smile back at her.

"Well, I'm going to go home now..." she said.

"Wait, let me drive you there." I said.

Martina and I sat in the car and I started driving to her house.

"Do you have your keys?" I asked.

"I think I lost them at the bar but i have another one under my door mat." She answered.

Few minutes later:

I arrived at Martina's house. she got out, thanked me for the drive and waved back at me.

"Bye Martina." I said and drove back home.

Martina's POV:

I looked under the mat but the keys weren't there.

"What the-  Wait! Did Fran already come back?" I wondered.

"Fran! Are you there?" I asked as I knocked on the door.

No answer

"Fran! Open the door its me your Sister!" I said already starting to panic.

No answer

I   rang the bell twice.

I started to lose hope but suddenly I saw the door opened.

"Fran? You there?" I asked worriedly and  entered the house.

"Fran! There are no time for jokes! Where are you?" I asked loudly.

Suddenly the door slammed.

"Where were you?" A familiar voice behind me asked.

"Diego? W..what are you doing here? " I asked.

"You are not answering my question." He said sternly.

"Uh, I was at Lodo's house.." I lied.

"Cut the crap, Martina. I know you are lying." He said in an angry tone.

"What are you talking about? And anyways what are you doing in my house?" I asked.

"You were not at Lodo's  house because when I called her and asked her where you were, she said you were at home and when i knocked the door and rang the bell multiple times, nobody answered. I called you on your phone and you didnt answer. So, I'm asking again. Where were you?" He asked with a serious look on his face.

"At first, I was at a party.And  accidentally I got too drunk that I fainted and there was no one to help me, except Jorge.He brought me to my house but because my brother left to Madrid and nobody opened the door,he didnt have any other choice but he brought me to his house. But enough about me! Im asking you again, what are you doing here in My house and how did you enter!?" I said.

"I came to your house before because I wanted to invite you out for dinner or something but nobody answered the door and I started to worry. So, I decided to call your brother and he told me you were at a party but he said that I can enter the house to wait for you and he explained where the keys were." He explained.

"Im sorry Diego that I made you worried but I forgot my phone here at home and that's the reason why i didnt answer any phone calls." I said.

"Its okay, Baby. Just next time dont forget your phone" He winked.

"Yeah...Okay. But werent you at the party aswell?" I asked.

"The thing is that I never knew that there was a party so thats why I didnt come. How did you find out about it?" He asked.

"Lodo told me." I lied.

"And then you invited Jorge with?" He asked.

"No, no... He was already there but he later told me that everyone from school is coming and i thought you were coming aswell and I didnt see you." I explained.

"Hmm okay...just to make sure, there is nothing between you and Jorge right?" He asked.

"Nothing at all! I only love you." I answered as I came close to him and met his lips.

Suddenly Diego picked me up and went upstairs to my bedroom.

He opened my door and placed me on my bed.

"Stay here, Baby. I have a surprise for you..." he said and left my bedroom and closed the door.

I quickly stood up and realised what was happening.

"No,no,no this cant be happening again!" I panicked.

I went up to the door but it was locked. I started pushing the door and trying to find a way to open it.

Suddenly the door opened.

"Hey, everything alright? Have you seen a ghost or something?" He chuckled.

"Why did you lock the door!?" I asked with a panicking tone.

"Because I didn't want you to see my surprise..." he answered.

"What surprise?" I asked.

"Go sit on the bed and close your eyes." He said.

"But why?" I asked.

"Just do what I say. Believe me, everything will be okay.

I nodded and did what I was told to do.

"Now open." He said.

I opened my eyes and saw a beautiful necklace in front of me, it had a  heart with a small letter 'M' and a little diamond in it.

"Happy Anniversary, Baby." He smiled.

"Omg! It's so beautiful, Diego! I love you so so much!!! I actually forgot its our Anniversary today. Aww...Thank you!" I said and hugged him tightly.

Soooo Im backk. Wasnt active for a while...oops sorry 🙊 I finally got some ideas and decided to continue this chapter 😊❤. Hope you liked it and i would love to hear your thoughts about this chapter.💖💖💖 So comment it down below😊💗

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